Second Script, about column input and printing ============================================== * First look at cases of column and free-format input, mixed, to see what works; data examp0; infile "testdat"; input subject 2-3 gender $ Exam2 12-13 Hwgrade $ Exam1 8-9; run; * So you can mix the variable formats as long as data is exactly in the advertised columns, and the free-format columns exactly follow the last-mentioned ones with designated column numbers; data examp1; infile "testdat"; input Exam2 12-13 Hwgrade $ Exam1 8-9 subject 2-3 gender $ ; run; proc print; title "examp0 output"; run; examp0 output Obs Exam2 Hwgrade Exam1 subject gender 1 84 A 80 10 M 2 89 A 85 7 M 3 86 B 90 4 F 4 85 B 82 20 M 5 94 A 94 25 F 6 84 C 88 14 F *----------------------------------------Printing----------; 1 libname myhom "."; 2 data tmp1; 3 set myhom.examp2; 4 run; * the next lines show how to get title; 5 proc print; 6 title "Example Print Title"; 7 run; * but the first (extra) column in the printout was "OBS" which just numbers observations, and this column can be suppressed either, by using option "noobs", as follows; 8 proc print noobs; 9 title "Example Print Title"; 10 run; * OR by specifiying an ID (identifier) variable which will automatically be made the first column. With ID specified, as follows, the option NOOBS has no effect whatever; 11 proc print noobs; 12 id HWgrade; 13 title "Example Print Title"; 14 run;