Homework 2, Due 2/20/06: ======================= YOU MAY TRY AGAIN ON PROBLEMS 4--6 IN LIGHT OF HINTS IN CLASS 2/20: ANY ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS MUST BE HANBDED IN WEDNESDAY 2/22 IN CLASS. 1. Suppose that you have found an investment which will earn 5% nominal quarterly-compounded interest for 4 years, and two-periods-per-year nominal discounted interest rate 3% for the next 5 years. What is the effective rate (= internal rate of return) of this investment over its 9-year life ? 2. Suppose that the investment in Problem 1 was completely tax-free, and you want to compare it to a taxable bond investment which earns 6% effective yield each year but on which you must pay 25% tax on the interest you earned each year (with tax paid in a lump sum at the end of the year). What is the internal rate of return of this second investment, taking taxes into account ? NOTE: I DID NOT EXPLICITLY DEFINE IN CLASS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BANK ACCOUNT AND A BOND INVESTMENT: IN A BANK ACCOUNT, THE INTERESTYOU EARN STAYS IN THE ACCOUNT AND LATER EARNS MORE INTEREST ON ITSELF; WHILE A BOND PAYS OUT INTEREST IN CASH DURING THE YEAR AND THAT INTEReST IS NOT REINVESTED. In Problem 2, though, we do not say what happens to the bond interest payments, so it makes most sense to treat all money as being reinvested as though the investment were a bank account. 3. For the following small cohort life table with 10 age categories, find the probabilities for all values of [T], both unconditionally and for lives aged 3, and find the expectation of both $1000*(10-[T]) and $10,000*(1.04)^{-[T]-1}. These are the expectations respectively of the cash payout on a decreasing-value insurance policy and of the present value at time 0 under 4% interest of the cash payout of an insurance which pays at the end of the year of death. x l_x d_x --------------------------- 0 1000 150 1 850 50 2 800 40 3 760 60 4 700 80 5 620 100 6 520 120 7 400 150 8 250 175 9 75 75 10 0 0 4. Suppose that a population of people aged 40 and older has survival function S(t) = P(T >= t) = 1 if 0