HWSet 5 solutions. (1) We are saying lambda*(40^gam-20^gam) = -log(92315/95840) lambda*(60^gam-20^gam) = -log(75221/95840) So (taking ratio of 2nd eqn over 1st) (60^gam-20^gam)/(40^gam-20^gam) = log(75221/95840)/log(92315/95840) and we solve that numerically : > uniroot(function(g) (60^g-20^g)/(40^g-20^g) - log(75221/95840)/ log(92315/95840), c(0.01, 6))$root [1] 4.509704 ## So this is the root gamma, and lambda = > -log(92315/95840)/(40^4.509704-20^4.509704) [1] 2.335627e-09 ## As a check, we find: > exp(-lam*(40^gam-20^gam)) [1] 0.96322 > 92315/95840 [1] 0.96322 > 75221/95840 [1] 0.7848602 > exp(-lam*(60^gam-20^gam)) [1] 0.7848588 ## Then the predicted value of 10p20 = > exp(-lam*(30^gam-20^gam)) [1] 0.991051 > l30 <- 95840*exp(-lam*(30^gam-20^gam)) ## = 94982.32 ## Now the prediction interval: > l30 + c(-1,1)*1.96*sqrt(l30*(95840-l30)/95840) [1] 94925.18 95039.47 BUT the observed number is 94295 which does not fall within the interval, suggesting that the Weibull assumption is WRONG for the Illustrative Table. Next: l_70 = 53484, leading to CI for l_70/l_60 (treating l_60 as though known in advance) of > 53484/75221 + c(-1,1)*1.96*sqrt(53484*(75221-53484)/75221^3) [1] 0.7077855 0.7142642 (The following comment is additional, NOT part of the assigned problem.) The quantity 10p60 computed using the (lambda,gamma) found in (a), would have been > exp(-lam*(70^gam-60^gam)) [1] 0.7827343 ### So this problem part also gives evidence that the Weibull fitted parameters from part (a) do not fit the data in the Table. Ch.3 #8: Let X = 1200 a"_{1}^{12} = 100 (1-v)/(1-v^(1/12)) = 1163.579 Then the problem is to find X times the PV of an increasing 10-year annuity-due of amount X = 1200 a"_{1}^{12} * Ia"_{10} = 1163.579 * a"_{Inf} * (a"_10 - 10 1.07^(-10)) = 1163.579 * (1/(.07/1.07))*(1.07*(1-1.07^(-10))/.07- 10 *1.07^(-10)) = 43251.25 If you had interpreted the annuity in the problem as an annuity immediate payable monthly, increasing in successive years, then the answer would be: 43251.25/1.07^(1/12) = 43008.08, and if you explained what you were doing then you will get full credit. NB this makes sense because the total cash amount received over the 10 years is 1200*10*11/2 = 66000 The increasing 10-year annuity-due of 1 per year has value 37.17 as compared with the total cash payment = 55. Ch.3 #10: First, the cumulative hazard function obtained by integrating mu(t) is H(t) = 2*log(1+t) - 2*log(1-t/100), corresponding to S(t) = exp(-H(t)) = ((1-t/100)/(1+t))^2 ANS. The expected number of deaths is large, ie = > 1e4*(S(1)-S(4)) = 1e4*((.99/2)^2 - (.96/5)^2) = 2081.6 Ch.4 #1: NB 7/12 = 0.5833333. ALSO NOTE: the solutions I posted initially to parts (a) of (i) and (ii) in this problem were wrong because I forgot to divide by S(t) in my conditional expectations. Here are the correct ones: (i) > integrate(function(t) exp(-.00634*(20+t)^1.2),0,Inf)$value/ exp(-.00634*(20^1.2)) [1] 57.66773 ## ans to (a) > (1-exp(-.00634*((40+7/12)^1.2-40^1.2)))/(1-exp(-.00634*(41^1.2-40^1.2))) [1] 0.5846718 ## ans to (b) (ii) integrate(function(t) 1-pnorm((log(20+t)-log(50))/.325), 0,Inf)$value/(1-pnorm((log(20)-log(50))/.325)) [1] 32.79475 ## ans to (a) > (pnorm((log(40+7/12)-log(50))/.325) - pnorm((log(40)-log(50))/.325))/(pnorm((log(41)-log(50))/.325) - pnorm((log(40)-log(50))/.325)) [1] 0.5803664 ## ans to (b) (iii) (a) int_0^30 exp(-.015*t) dt + exp(-.45) int_0^Inf exp(-.03*t)dt = (1/.015)*(1-exp(-.45)) + (1/.03)*exp(-.45) = 45.41239 (b) (1-exp(-.015*7/12))/(1-exp(-.015)) = 0.5851555 Ch.4 #2: (a) 1000* int_0^infty .05*exp(-(.05+log(1.07))*s) ds = 1000 *.05/(.05+log(1.07)) = 424.96 (b) 1000*sum_{k=0}^{infty} 1.07^(-k-1) * (1-exp(-.05))*exp(-.05*k)) = (1000/1.07)*(1-exp(-.05))/(1-exp(-.05)/1.07) = 410.6284 ## (b) has to be less, because payment is made later than in (a). Ch.4 #3. P*sum_{k=0}^{infty} 1.07^(-k)*exp(-.05*k) = P/(1-exp(-.05/1.07)) = 21.90389*P