Solutions to HW6, Stat 470 ========================== Ch4 #4: (a) > .025*sum(1.06^(-(1:40))) [1] 0.3761574 ### Should agree with .025*(1-1.06^(-40))/.06 : OK (b) 20-yr term ins: > .025*(1-1.06^(-20))/.06 [1] 0.2867480 30-yr endowmt ins: > .025*(1-1.06^(-30))/.06 + .25*1.06^(-30) [1] 0.3876483 #5. This one is simple algebraic proof of basic formula, followed by manipulation: c_x = sum_{k=1}^{Inf} p_x * (1+(k-1)){k-1}p_{x+1} q_{x+1+k-1} = p_x * (1 + c_{x+1}) #12 NB for ages x,t >=30, mu(t) = 3/t and p_{x+s} = exp(-3 log((x+s)/x)) = (x/(x+s))^3 and (S(70+y)-S(71+y))/S(70) = (70/(70+y))^3-(70/(71+y))^3 e_{70}^o > sum(((70/(70+(0:5000)))^3-(70/(71+(0:5000)))^3)*(0:5000)) [1] 34.5 Abar_{60} = int_0^Inf (3*60^3/(60+s)^3)*1.09^(-s) ds > integrate( function(s) 3*(60^3/(60+s)^4)*1.09^(-s), 0,Inf)$val [1] 0.3415603 #13 3p95 = (1-.3)*(1-.4)*(1-.5) = .21 So for impaired lives, take .21^3 = 0.009261. #16 Algebraic formula , superposition of 1e5* 18E0 and 5e5*60E0 and 2e5* (18 yr term life insurance on newborn). Ch. 5 #12. f = .5p60 - p60* .5p61 = (1-.5*.3) - .7*(1-.5*.4) = .29 while g = (1-.3)/(1-.5*.3) - .7*(1-.4)/(1-.5*.4) = 0.2985294 ### So answer is round(1e4*(0.2985294-.29)) = 85