Stat 470, Spring 2006 Homework Set 7, 8 Problems Due Monday 5/8/06 ============================================ (1) Estimate = 5.5/7 = 0.7857143 CI = 5.5/7 + c(-1,1)*1.96*sqrt((5.5/7)*(1-5.5/7)/7e4) [1] 0.7826745 0.7887540 CI for the endowment: .Last.value*(1.05^(-15)*5e4) [1] 18823.99 18970.21 Ch.4 #10: (a) 30p10 = exp(-.001*10-.004*20) = 0.91393 (b) e_{50}^o = sum(exp(-.5e-4*((51:500)^2-50^2))) = 87.137 > sum((0:949)*(-diff(exp(-.5e-4*((50:1000)^2-50^2))))) [1] 87.13686 ### NOTE that this survival law does allow very long lifetimes (eg 250p50 > 1/80) Ch4 #15: This is a theoretical problem. Benefit (present value as of end of year of death) if death occurs in period (k,k+1)) is a"_{N-k}. Prob for life aged x of death in policy interval [k,k+1) is 1/(w-x). So B(x,n,N) = (10/(w-x))*sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^{k+1} a"_{N-k} = (10/(w-x))*sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^{k+1} (1-v^{N-k})/d and using d=iv, get B(x,n,N) = (10/(w-x))*sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (v^k-v^N)/i = 10*((1-v^n)/(1-v) - n v^N)/(i*(w-x)) Ch5 #4: (a) (i/i^(4))*.02*(sum_{k=0}^4 (.98/1.05)^k + 2*sum_{k=0}^9 (.98/1.05)^k)/1.05 = (.05/(4*(1.05^.25-1)))*.02*1e4*( (1-(.98/1.05)^10) + 2*(1-(.98/1.05)^5))/(1.05-.98) = 3148.504 ## Reasonable because we get 30,000 wp 1-.98^5 and 10,000 wp .98^5-.98^10, roughly 1e4*(3*0.096 + 1*0.0868)*1.05^(-.5*(3*5+1*10)/4) = 3217.978 (b) alpha(2) = (.05^2/1.05)/(4*(sqrt(1.05)-1)*(1-sqrt(1/1.05))) = 1.000149, beta(2) = (.05-2*(sqrt(1.05)-1))/(4*(sqrt(1.05)-1)* (1-sqrt(1/1.05))) = 0.25617 . For premium, divide answer in (a) by 2*(1.000149*sum_{k=0}^9 (.98/1.05)^k - 0.2561738*(1-(.98/1.05)^10)) = 2*(1-(.98/1.05)^10)*(1.000149/(1-.98/1.05) - 0.2561738) =14.69853 SO ANSWER IS : 216.794 Ch5 #5: (a) 1e4*sum_{j=0}^39 (.98/1.05)^(j/4)*(1-.98^.25) + 2e4*sum_{j=0}^19 (.98/1.05)^(j/4)*(1-.98^.25) = 1e4*((1-.98^.25)/(1-(.98/1.05)^.25))* (1-(.98/1.05)^10 + 2*(1-(.98/1.05)^5)) = 3187.388 (b) Again get result by dividing (a), this time by sum_{k=0}^{19} (.98/1.05)^(k/2) = (1-(.98/1.05)^10)/ (1-(.98/1.05)^.5) = 14.69815 leading to Premium = 3187.388/14.69815 = 216.856. Ch5 #8: When T is Expon(mu), let r = exp(-mu) and find exact formulas: a"^(m)_x = (1/m) sum_{k=0}^Infty (r*v)^(k/m) = 1/(m*(1-(r*v)^(1/m))) and in particular case m=1: a"_x = 1/(1-r*v) Exact formula for error = 1/(m*(1-(r*v)^(1/m))) - 1/(1-r*v) - (m-1)/(2*m) Ch5 #11: Here we are within interpolation assumption (ii). (a) Expected present value of premiums paid is Pbar * int_0^2 exp(-(.04+.06)*t) dt = 10*(1-exp(-.2)) = 1.812692 (b) Expected present value of benefit = sum(c(10,8,6,4,2)*exp(-.1*2:6)) = 21.65952 So risk premium using (a) is Pbar = 21.65952/1.812692 = 11.94881 Ch5 #14: Abar_x = int_0^Infty exp(-(B/log(c))*c^x*(c^t-1))*(v^t)* B*c^{x+t} dt, while abar'_x = int_0^Infty exp(-(B/log(c))*c^x*(c^t-1))*(v'^t) dt So, factoring out mu_x = B*c^x from the first expression and expressing v'^t = ((1+i)/c)^(-t) = (vc)^t , we find Abar_x = mu_x* int_0^Infty exp(-(B/log(c))*c^x*(c^t-1))*((vc)^t) dt = mu_x* abar'_x .