QUICK SKETCH OF MAJOR TOPICS FOR STAT 650 FINAL, SPRING 2018 ============================================================ A. Discrete-time Markov Chains --- Heavy emphasis State-space decompositions Chapman-Kolmogoroff Equation Transience, recurrence and pos-recurrence def'ns Periodicity, etc. Convergence Theorems First-step analysis and exit distributions B. Continuous-time Markov chains Construction via holding times stationary distributions detailed balance and reversibility convergence theorems C. Poisson Process alternative equivalent definitions calculations based on memoryless property of exponential theorems about superposition and thinning uniform distribution of jumps in an interval given their number D. Renewal Processes definitions basic limit theorems related to SLLN long-term averages and proportions based on cycles Renewal Equations via first-step analysis Existence and uniqueness of solutions to renewal equations Renewal Theorems -- Basic, Blackwell, and Key Relation between Markov Chain limit theorems and Renewal Theorems E. Martingales Definitions and optional stopping theorem Wald's Equation Martingale Convergence Theorems Application to recurrence and boundary-exit probabilities for (discrete-state) Markov Chains Specific Application Ideas: you should certainly know what Branching Processes and Birth-Death chains are, and what PASTA means and how it is applied in Queueing and Cycle problems.