HW Problem 12, STAT 705, Fall 2015. Assigned 10/28/2015, Due Monday 11/9/2015 Load the dataset "Insurance" in the MASS package. (a) Perform "forward" and "stepwise" automatic model selection to find 2 different good linear regression models fits with predictors chosen from the given variables. Start by selecting among all predictive variables in the dataset either individually or in pairwise interactions. Try your stepwise model selections using "step" in R, initially with k=4. If you want to vary your definition of "best", that is OK. If you want to consider another form of model, based on recoded variables, that is OK too. (b) Compare your best model obtained from each of the two approaches by means of any graphical display that you think makes sense, e.g. residuals plots or predictive scatterplots, presence of "outlying" observations, etc. The purpose here is to show that you know how to use the lm, step, update functions and to do some illustrative graphics.