HW 18 Stat 705 Fall 2015 Assigned Wednesday 12/2/15 DUE Monday 12/14/15 Consider the dataset "Traffic" in the R package "MASS". To access it, execute the R commands: > library(MASS); Traffic=Traffic Use help(Traffic) to learn some of the details of the experiment, in which the table below shows the numbers among 92 matched day-pairs in 1961 and 1962 on a motorway in Sweden in which the 1961 day and/or the 1962 day were such that traffic speed limits were "in effect and enforced". > table(Yr1961=Traffic$limit[1:92], Yr1962=Traffic$limit[93:184]) Yr1962 Yr1961 no yes no 28 43 yes 16 5 Find the best 90% two-sided confidence interval you can for the expected number of traffic accidents on a day without a speed limit minus the expected number of traffic accidents on a day with a speed limit. Assume the qualitative "model" that the days on which the experiment was conducted in 1961 are in every way comparable to the same-numbered days on which the experiment was conducted in 1962. Also assume that of the days among the 92 in each year 1961 and 1962 on which the experiment was conducted, respectively 28 , 16, 43, and 5 were drawn randomly (equiprobably) from 1:92, respectively to fit the four categories: No limit in 1961 or 1962 Limit in 1961 and No limit in 1962 No Limit in 1961 and limit in 1962 Limit in 1961 and Limit in 1962. You may look at the data on numbers of accidents to try to fit a parametric distribution model to the numbers of accidents on a road with no speed limit and the numbers of accidents on a road with a speed limit. (Assume that the numbers of accidents are otherwise independent for the different roads and different years, and that the distribution of accidents does not depend on the year, only on whether there is a speed limit.) Or else, you may treat the problem without further distributional assumptions. Legitimate tools include parametric and nonparametric bootstrap and "permutational" distributions for the statistic (Avg # deaths on roads with no limit) - (Avg # on roads with limit) or for the statistic (# deaths on no-limit road minus # deaths on limit road in pairs 1:92 with one of each)/(# of such pairs). GIVE YOUR REASONING FOR WHATEVER ANALYSIS YOU DO, AND EXPLAIN WHY AND UNDER WHAT ASSUMPTIONS (BEYOND THE ONES I IMPOSED ABOVE, IF YOU NEED ANY) IT SHOULD BE VALID.