Homework Problems 5, STAT 705, Fall 2015. Assigned 9/21/2015, Due Friday 10/2/2015 (1) Exercise 11.1.(b), p.431 in J. Gentle book: Find the integral of x^2*cos(x*y) over (x,y) in [0,1] x [-2,2]. You should find the integral using Monte Carlo Integration over the 2-dimensional domain, for which you should provide the R code, including an error estimate (Confidence Interval). You should also check your answer using the R function "integrate" (with error bound), or you may alternatively check the answer analytically by re-expressing the integral before using (univariate) quadrature formulas if you like. YOUR SOLUTION SHOULD INCLUDE BOTH A MONTE CARLO INTEGRATION CONFIDENCE INTERVAL AND AN ANALYTICAL CHECK VIA NUMERICAL QUADRATURES (via one of the two indicated methods). (2) Do exercises Sim.1 and Sim.3 on pp.3-4 of the handout http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s400/RNG2.pdf after reading both that handout and http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s400/RNG1.pdf In Sim.3, find both a theoretical and computational justification for your answers. (This means, a theoretically based computed answer and also one based on simulation.