Homework Problem Set 6, Due Wednesday September 28, 2016. -------------------------------------------------------- Assigned 9/19/2016, due 9/28: (a) Find a numerical value for the integral of the function g(x,y) = (3x^2 + x*y + 5y^3)/(1+x^2 + y^2)^3 over the rectangle (-2,2) x (-3,3). Obtain the value using Monte Carlo simulation, and assess the sampling error by statistical considerations (e.g., in the form of a confidence intervals). But also get the best answer you can using a numerical integration function such as "integrate" or such as a Simpson's rule. Can you assess the error that way ? (b) Show how to generate 1000 independent random variables from the density equal to f(x) = C* max( exp(-abs(2*x)), dnorm(x), dbeta((x+2)/4,2,1) ) for -2 < x < 2 and = 0 for abs(x) >=2. where the constant C is determined to make this a density. HINT: find (analytically or numerically) the subintervals on which you know the exact analytical form of the density f(x).