Homework Problem 10, Due Friday October 21, 2016. ------------------------------------------------------ Assigned 10/11/2016, due 10/21 by 5pm. Consider the model Y_i = exp(alpha+beta*X_i) + gamma*X_i*eps_i i.i.d. , i=1,...,n where (X_i,Y_i) are observed data-pairs, and X_i ~ Unif[0,1], with eps_i ~ N(0,1) independent of X_i and with parameters (alpha,beta,gamma) unknown. (1) Show by simulation that the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of (alpha, beta,gamma), considered as functions of the dataset (X_i,Y_i), i=1,...,n are approximately normally distributed when n=150. To do this, first fix a set of three parameter values (alpha, beta, gamma) more or less arbitrarily, say alpha=1, beta=2, gamma = 0.5. (I suggest that you take gamma positive, but alpha and beta can be any real numbers. Next write code to simulate a batch of 150 X's and the use the model formula to write Y_i as conditionally normally distributed with mean and variance given X_i, using the fact that eps_i ~ N(0,1) is independent of X_i. This conditional normal distribution should tell you how to simulate the Y_i's given the X_i's within your batch of data, i=1,...,150. Simulate enough batches of this size (e.g, 500 or 1000) that you can give some quantitative bounds (confidence intervals) on the differences between the actual distributions of these MLEs and their approximating normal distributions with same means and variances. (2) Repeat this exercise for a few smaller values of n, e.g. 100, 80, 50. At which smaller value of n would you say the normal approximation for the MLEs has broken down ? I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A SPECIFIC BREAKPOINT IN n, JUST A QUANTIFICATION OF APPROXIMATE NORMALITY THAT SHOWS SOME DEFECTS WHEN n > 20 GETS SMALL ENOUGH. ALSO: IT IS ENOUGH IN THIS PROBLEM TO LOOK ONLY AT THE MARGINAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF EACH OF THE PARAMETER MLE's for alpha, beta, and gamma, NOT FOR ANY ASPECT OF THEIR JOINT DISTRIBUTION.