Homework Set 12, Due Wednesday October 26, 2016. ------------------------------------------------------ Assigned 10/17/2016, due 10/26 SIMULATION AND PARAMETER ESTIMATION FROM A MISSPECIFIED MODEL Load the 199 scalar data values from the dataset "HW12dat.txt" into your R workspace. Problem: find the lognormal Maximum-Likelihood parameter estimates. Give their variances according to MLE theory, and compare the estimators of variance obtained by using the "sandwich" misspecified-model variance estimator. NOTES: saying that the data Y_1,...,Y_n are LOGNORMAL is the same as saying that the transformed values log(Y_i) are normally distributed with some unknown mean mu and variance sig^2 that must be estimated. You can obtain the closed form of the MLEs, but you are asked also to compute the gradients of the log-density terms in order to obtain the "sandwich" variance estimator.