Homework Problem 12, Due Friday February 27. ---------------------------------------------- (a) Generate 1000 independent random 3-vectors (X,Y,Z) which are uniformly distributed on the region: X, Y, Z >= 0, X+Y <=1, X+Z<=1, Y+Z <= 1.5. Do this by two completely different methods, yielding distinct and independent 1000 x 3 matrices M1 and M2, each with independent rows. (b) Use a chi-square goodness of fit test to test whether the two sets of points you generated in 3 dimensions, as the rows of M1 and M2, have the same distribution. (c) Use (two-sample) Kolmogorov-Smirnoff tests to check that the elements of column j of M1 have the same distribution as the elements of column j of M2, for j=1,2,3.