Homework Problem 17, Due Wednesday March 17. ------------------------------------------- Using read.table, load into Splus the dataset Dset17.asc from the Data directory of the course web-page http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s798c/Data (i) Using "lm", fit a normal linear regression model: Y_i ~ N(b0 + b1* X1_i + b2*X3_i, sigma^2) using an ordinary linear regression model with scalar intercept a, error-variance sigma^2, and 2-dim regression coefficients b, altogether giving 4-dim unknown parameter. (ii) Recover the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters a,b, sigma^2 by applying nlmin or nlminb to the negative log-likelihood of the model. Regard the X1 and X3 columns as fixed, and the Y_i variables as independent with the given `working' model. (Actually the data were simulated from a similar linear regression model with transformed X1 and X3 and another variable X2, omitted here.) (iii) Get confidence intervals, in any way you like, for each of the coefficients (b0, b1, b2) based on assuming the `working' model you fitted is the correctly specified model. (iv) Get confidence intervals for each of b0, b1, b2 using the `robust' or `sandwich' version of the asymptotic variance matrix for the MLE's. Note that your alternative calculations of Iobs for this `sandwich' must involve the sigma^2 parameter as well !