Homework 14. Due Monday, Nov. 2. ================================ Hand in edited R code and (small) portions of results doing in R the following calculations and graphics accomplished in SAS in parts (a)-(d) of the class-handout which you can find in the web-page handout BassSAS.txt within the directory http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s798c/Slogs/BassSAS.txt (i) Input the data from http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s430.old/Data/bass entering it into a data-frame with columns ID Lake Alk pH Calc Chlor AvMrc nsamp , fitting simple linear regression for response logAvM = log(AvMrc) in terms of predictor Alk , and overplotting on the scatterplot (with different line-types and/or colors) the predicted line and the predicted line plus or minus 1.96 times the residual SE (see RlogF09.LinRegr.txt or a regression text for the formula.) and "identify" (on the plot) the points lying outside the confidence band you drew in this way. (ii) Remove the most extreme outliers (your choice), and re-fit the model using forward stepwise selection with an entry criterion alpha = .05, using the variables Alk pH Calc Chlor Present an ANOVA table for your final fitted model, and a graphical display of some kind showing how it fits better than the simple linear regression logAvM versus Alk.