Homework 16. Due IN CLASS Friday Nov.11. --------------------------------------- Enter the data from http://www-users.math.umd.edu/~evs/s430.old/Data/cigcanc.dat into an R data.frame. The data concern various cancer incidence rates and levels of cigarette smoking from some years ago, by state. Take LUNG cancer rates as the desired response variable, and the others as predictors. A simple forward stepwise analysis shows that LUNG ~ CIG + BLAD is the best simple model. (a) Set up a Bayesian analysis for a normal linear regression model based on these data: define a prior for the rho = 1/sigma^2 and nu = beta-coeff/sigma^2 parameters, as in the BayesConjug.pdf Lecture-notes file (as close to "noninformative" as you like). Find the posterior mean of the vector of coefficient estimators beta for your regression. (b) For the Bayesian analysis you set up in part (a), find the posterior probability that the CIG and BLAD parameters simultaneously lie within their frequentist 95% confidence intervals CIG in (0.13056, 0.57282) and BLAD in (0.17891, 2.73342). (c) Find and plot a histogram of the predictive maximum absolute standardized residual from a dataset of the same size (n=44) simulated with the same predictors (X_CIG,X_BLAD) as the cigcanc.dat dataset. (Do this based on a Bayesian predictive posterior simulation of 1000 datasets.)