Homework 20, Due Friday, Dec.4, 2009. ===================================== Access the data "bank2.dat" as a text file within the directory http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s798c/Data/ . The file consists of a 200x6 array, of which the first 100 rows correspond to physical measurements on 100 real Swiss Bank notes, and the last 100 rows correspond to the same physical measurements on 100 forged Swiss Bank Notes. In this exercise, consider only the 4th column, which corresponds to a measurement in mm of the bottom margin of the bank-note. (1) Separately estimate the densities of the lower-margin measurements for the real and forged banknotes, using local polynomial density estimation with degrees 1, 2 , bandwidth = 0.3, within the function "locpoly" in the library (package) KernSmooth. Over-plot your estimates with the kernel-density estimator "density" (with optimized bandwidth by the Sheather-Jones plug-in bandwidth, bw = bw.SJ(xvec)), and report the bandwidth used. (2) Can you see any difference between these different methods of density estimation ? (3) Use the best method you can think of to estimate for a randomly selected pair of real and forged bank-note the probability that the lower-margin measurement is greater for the forged note. You may give more than one estimate, but choose a best estimate and provide some reasoning justifying why you think your choice is best.