Solution to HW 20. ================= > bankN = read.table("~/public_html/s798c/Data/bank2.dat")[,4] > dens1a = locpoly(bankN[1:100], degree=1, band=.3) dens1b = locpoly(bankN[1:100], degree=2, band=.3) dens2a = locpoly(bankN[101:200], degree=1, band=.3) dens2b = locpoly(bankN[101:200], degree=2, band=.3) plot(density(bankN[1:100], bw=bw.SJ(bankN[1:100])), lty=1, xlab="Lower Margin mm", ylab="Density", xlim=c(6.7, 13.3), main= "Density of Swiss Banknote Lower Margins") lines(density(bankN[101:200], bw=bw.SJ(bankN[101:200])), lty=2) > lines(dens1a, lty=3) lines(dens1b, lty=4) lines(dens2a, lty=6) lines(dens2b, lty=8) legend(locator(), legend=c("Real.def","Real.lpdeg1", "Real.lpdeg2", "Forg.def","Forg.lpdeg1", "Forg.lpdeg2"), lty = c(1,3,4, 2, 6, 8)) > c(BW1 = bw.SJ(bankN[1:100]), BW2 = bw.SJ(bankN[101:200])) BW1 BW2 0.2667486 0.3110543 ### (2) In each of the Real and Forged subsets, the degree 1 local ### polynomials gives density estimates incredibly close to the ### (degree 0) kernel density estimates, while the degree 2 ### estimates definitely have bumpier structure, much closer to ### the kernel density with bw=.2. ## (3) Here a "crude" estimate is > mean(outer(bankN[1:100],bankN[101:200], function(x,y) x dens1c = locpoly(bankN[1:100], degree=2, band=.3, range=c(6.5,11.5)) dens2c = locpoly(bankN[101:200], degree=2, band=.3, range=c(6,14), gridsize=501 ) Fvals = numeric(401) Fvals[2:401] = ((11.5-6.5)/400)*.5*cumsum(dens1c[[2]][1:400]+ dens1c[[2]][2:401]) > summary(Fvals) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -0.002311 0.221100 0.847400 0.641100 0.995400 1.003000 > tmpspl = smooth.spline(dens1c[[1]], Fvals, spar=1.e-6) Fcdf = function(xvec) pmax(0,pmin(1,predict(tmpspl, xvec)$y)) tmpspl2 = smooth.spline(dens2c[[1]], log(pmax(dens2c[[2]],1.e-5)), spar=1.e-6) gdens = function(yvec) exp(predict(tmpspl2, yvec)$y) > summary(gdens(dens2c[[1]])) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 7.785e-06 3.051e-03 5.688e-02 1.249e-01 2.418e-01 4.137e-01 > integrate(function(x) Fcdf(x)*gdens(x), 6.5, 13.5, abs.tol=1e-6)$value [1] 0.9435191 ### There is no real reason to expect that this `smoothed' estimator ### is any better than the crude unbiased estimator .9386 above.