Homework Problem 5, Due Wednesday September 23. ---------------------------------------------- (a) Find the integral of the function f(x,y) = (1+ xy + y^2 + x^4)^0.5 over the interval [0,1]x[0,1], as an expectation, by means of simulated uniform random numbers, to a precision of at least 1.e-2 with (approximate) probability at least .99. Give a suitable confidence interval for your answer. (b) By simulation, find the probability distribution of the number of distinct values among 5 independent random integers (drawn uniformly) from 0:8, with ALL probability mass values SIMULTANEOUSLY correct within .01, with a probability of at least .98. How large a simulation did you need in order to achieve this ? In (a), you are welcome to check your answer by numerical integration [using R function "integrate"], and in (b), by calculating numerically the analytical formulas for the desired probabilities. Such checks are desirable but not required.