Homework Problem 6, Due Monday September 28. ------------------------------------------- In EACH of the following two situations, write TWO separate functions, to simulate N independent random 2-vectors of the described distribution BY TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT METHODS. You might use methods related to repeated univariate probability integral transforms, to accept-reject methods, or to a simple mapping of an easier-to-generate random 2-vector. (a) Simulate a random two-dimensional vector variable (X,Y) with joint density f(x,y) = (1.5/x^2) * (1/max(x^2, y^2)) , for x, y > 1, (b) Generate independent random points points (X_i,Y_i) uniformly distributed within the triangle which has one side equal to the segment from (0,0) to (6,0) on the x-axis and which has opposite vertex (-3,4). In both parts (a) and (b), you should test the output of your functions for appropriate behavior, in terms of histograms versus (marginal) densities, of various theoretical versus simulated probabilities, and/or theoretical versus empirical marginal distribution functions. In particular, your test in (b) should confirm [persuasively, if not exhaustively] that the points you generate are uniformly distributed in the triangle.