Homework 7, Due Friday October 2. --------------------------------- Hand in the R code along with the graphs for the following two exercises. (I) At the URL http://www.math.umd.edu/~evs/s430.old/Data/cathedrals you can find a dataset of Heights and Lengths (in feet) of 9 Romanesque and 16 Gothic style cathedrals in England. Plot and caption a graph showing Height plotted against length, with a different plotting character for Romanesque and for Gothic. Include a Legend box and plot a broken-line graph (with different line types for the two styles of cathedral) of the Height vs Length relationship for the two types. (II) Simulate a dataset of size 1600 from the Gamma distribution with shape parameter 3.5 and scale parameter 1. After choosing a reasonable upper bound (not necessarily the maximum value for the data, plot a histogram with 40 class intervals, on probability scale, appropriately captioned and titled, and overlay the plotted density curve for the simulated distribution.