NOTES and R Log for Lecture 5/3/2017 STAT 730 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additional notes related to ARIMA Model-Building and Diagnostics SEC 3.8. (1) Introduce idea X_t = m_t + S_t + Z_t with m_t the (long-term) "signal" (essentially, provided by low-pass filter S_t the "seasonal" part with known structural period d (usually corresp. to 1 yr, so 4 for quarterly series, 12 for monthly, etc.) Z_t stationary residuals, modeled as ARMA(p,q) (2) Example as in book with GNP data: > GNP = ts(read.table("")[,2], start=1947.25, frequency=4) > tsp(GNP) [1] 1947.25 2002.75 4.00 ### 223 quarterly observations (in $10^6) ### Consider series of year-average observations through end of 2001 > YrGnp = ts(apply(matrix(GNP[1:220], c(55,4), byrow=T),1,mean), start=1947, freq=1) > tsp(diff(YrGnp)) [1] 1948 2001 1 ### differencing yields a "time series" result plot(YrGnp, main="GNP series, Yr avgs, 1947-2001") abline(lm(YrGnp ~ time(YrGnp))$coef, col="red") tmp0 = diff(YrGnp) plot(tmp0, main="1st Diff of GNP series Yr avgs") abline(lm(tmp0 ~ time(tmp0))$coef, col="red") timY = c(time(YrGnp)) plot(YrGnp, main="GNP series, Yr avgs, 1947-2001") lines(c(time(YrGnp)), lm(YrGnp ~ timY+ I(timY^2) )$fit, col="blue") ### suggests that 2nd differencing on the original scale removes trend ### but that is not necessarily the best way to get to stationarity par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(c(time(YrGnp)), lm(YrGnp ~ timY+ I(timY^2) )$resid, xlab="Time", ylab="Residuals", main="Residuals from a Quadratic Fit to YrAvg GNP") plot(diff(tmp0), xlab="Time", ylab="2nd diff of GNP", main="Twiced-differenced GNP") timG = c(time(GNP)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(timG, lm(GNP ~ timG + I(timG^2))$resid, xlab="Time", ylab="Residuals", main="Residuals from a Quadratic Fit to GNP") ## slight modification: residuals from YrAvg fit indexed to mid-year cf = lm(YrGnp ~ I(timG+.5) + I((timG+.5)^2))$coef plot(timG, GNP-cf[1]-cf[2]*(timG+.5)-cf[3]*(timG+.5)^2, xlab="Time", ylab="Residuals", main="Residuals from a Quadratic Fit to GNP") ### Not so successful GnpL = log(GNP) plot(GnpL) plot(diff(GnpL)) DGnpL = diff(log(GNP)) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) acf(DGnpL, 24) pacf(DGnpL, 24) DGnpL.arma = arima(DGnpL, order = c(2, 0, 2))) > DGnpL.arma$coef/sqrt(diag(DGnpL.arma$var.coef)) ar1 ar2 ma1 ma2 intercept 9.798346 -4.792280 -5.678659 2.851789 10.412051 > tmpGnp = tsdiag(DGnpL.arma, gof.lag=20) = arima(DGnpL, order = c(0, 0, 2)) >$coef ma1 ma2 intercept 0.30280854 0.20351890 0.00832671 >$coef/sqrt(diag($var)) ma1 ma2 intercept 4.627238 3.159361 8.717756 tsdiag(, gof.lag=20) ### interesting plots including standardized residuals > tmpG = residuals(DGnpL.arma) ### length 222 sum(abs(tmpG - DGnpL.arma$resid)) [1] 0 > prdG = predict(DGnpL.arma,1, > hist(tmpG, nclass=24, prob=T) curve(dnorm(x,mean(tmpG),sd(tmpG)), add=T, col="green") ### interestingly non-normal