SCD FY97 Annual Scientific 

Computational science

The SCD Computational Science Section (CSS) provides state-of-the-art expertise in aspects of computing beneficial to the atmospheric and oceanic sciences communities. Our efforts are focused on four areas:

We share the results of our work through collaborations, publications, software development, and seminars.

CSS conducts research in areas such as computational fluid dynamics, parallel communications algorithms for massively parallel architectures, and numerical solutions to elliptic partial differentialequations using multigrid techniques. In addition, we are conducting basic research in alternate formulations of atmospheric and ocean models based on triangular (icosahedral) discretizations of the sphere.

The section engages in joint projects with groups within NCAR and from other institutions and agencies. These projects benefit the broader NCAR community. Currently, CSS is involved in projects, in conjunction with the Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) Division of NCAR, and with support from the Department of Energy's (DOE) Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics, and Model Physics Project (CHAMMP) initiative, to develop a state-of-the-art coupled climate model framework that will run efficiently and effectively on distributed memory parallel computers. These projects are described below.

CSS is involved in technology tracking (performance monitoring and benchmarking studies) of both hardware and software. This work ensures the efficient use of current computing resources and is critical in selecting the most appropriate computers for the future production computing needs of NCAR and the university community. On the software side, staff play an active role in the Fortran standards effort as well as evaluating programming languages and paradigms.

We develop software packages to make use of our research results and our numerical and computational expertise. These libraries of scientific software are used by researchers in the atmospheric and related sciences community.

Finally, CSS staff are active in the area of education, outreach, and knowledge transfer. We process all university requests for computing resources. We organize workshops, guest-lecture at universities, host post docs, and give seminars and talks at conferences.


An efficient spectral transform method for solving the shallow water equations on the sphere

William F. Spotz, Mark A. Taylor and Paul N. Swarztrauber have studied the spectral transform method developed by Merilees in 1973. In that work, the required spatial derivatives are computed by the formal differentiation of a two-dimensional, latitude-longitude, Fourier series approximations to both vector and scalar functions on the surface of the sphere. The time derivatives are then computed from the shallow water equations in advective form and the solution is advanced in time using leap frog time differencing. Stability is maintained using both spatial and time filters; however, the filters require tuning and the resulting tradeoff between accuracy and stability made this approach less attractive than emerging transform methods based on harmonic spectral approximations. In this paper we replace Merriles' filter with a harmonic filter consisting of a analysis followed directly by a synthesis. This provides the homogeneous representation of waves that is characteristic of traditional spectral methods. The stability and accuracy of the resulting computations are the same as the harmonic spectral method. The harmonic filter is applied only to the dependent functions and consequently the method requires about half the number of Legendre transforms that are required by the existing spectral methods. In theory, this approach can be viewed as a fast method since fast harmonic filters exist in print however they have not yet been demonstrated in spectral models. Computational examples have been developed on an equally spaced grid that includes the points at the poles.

Transposing multiprocessors using de Bruijn sequences

Transposing an NxN array that is distributed row- or column-wise across P=N processors is a fundamental communication task that requires time-consuming interprocessor communication. It is the underlying communication task for matrix-vector multiplication and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of long sequences and multi-dimensional arrays. It is also the key communication task for certain weather and climate models. Paul N. Swarztrauber has developed a parallel transposition algorithm for multiprocessors with a programmable network channels. The optimal scheduling of these channels is non-trivial and has been the subject of a number of papers. Here, scheduling is determined by a single de Bruijn sequence of N bits. The elements are first ordered in each processor and, in sequence, either transmitted or not transmitted, depending on the corresponding bit in the de Bruijn sequence. The de Bruijn sequence is the same for all processors and all communication cycles. The algorithm is optimal both in the overall time and the time that any individual element is in the network (span). The results are extended to other communication tasks including shuffles, bit reversal, index reversal, and general index-digit permutation. The case P not equal to N and rectangular arrays with non-power-of-two dimensions are also discussed. The results are extended to mesh connected multiprocessors by embedding the hypercube in the mesh. The optimal implementation of these algorithms requires certain architectural features that are not currently available in the marketplace.

MPP: What went wrong? Can it be made right?

In early 1988, NCAR benchmarked the Connection Machine 2 (CM2). A fully configured machine had 2048 processors and a peak performance of 32 Gflops. A finite difference version of a shallow-water model ran at 1.7 Gflops (5% of peak) and a spectral version ran at 1 Gflop (3% of peak). Later, a joint project to implement a working massively parallel processor (MPP) climate model was established with NCAR, Oak Ridge, Argonne, and Los Alamos. After considerable effort the model ran at about 7% of peak on the CM5 in 1995. At best, this performance was comparable to traditional architectures that achieved a much higher percentage of peak and required less code development effort. MPP had not lived up to expectations. The origins of the problem were quite evident. On the CM2, 185 cycles were required for a memory to memory transfer between adjacent processors compared with a processor performance of two floating point operations per cycle. The high cost of this interprocessor communication resulted in a significant degradation in sustained performance. Similar results have been reported by NCAR and other institutions for a number of machines that have come to the market. Paul Swarztrauber presents a combination of algorithms and hardware features that reduces processor to processor communication to a single cycle (on average) not only to an adjacent processor but to the destination processor and in parallel. If implemented, communication could be reduced by as much as two orders of magnitude and perhaps the original promise of MPP could be realized.

Spectral element filters

Spectral viscosity filter

The spectral viscosity method of Tadmor is applied to the spectral element method. The method applies higher values of the viscosity to the high wave numbers, thereby stabilizing calculations for under-resolved fluid mechanics problems. For the Stommel advection test case of Hecht the method improves the solution's l_infinity norm, a measure of the loss in tracer magnitude, from about .38 to .70.

Non-linear filter

A non-linear technique reduces, and in some case removes, the need for the user to choose parameters such as filter order. This technique is applied to both the erfc-log filter and the spectral viscosity filter. This is work in progress.

Overflow problems in the ocean

The spectral element method of Iskandarani is applied to the case of the high density fluid in the Greenland Sea emptying into the warmer, lower density water of the North Atlantic Ocean. The density difference is large, and requires higher resolution than climate models currently allow. This model is run on the HP Exemplar SPP2000 in parallel. This work is in collaboration with Dale Haidvogel and Mohamed Iskandarani and Rutgers University.

Stommel advection test case

To facilitate testing of numerical schemes for the ocean, we found a closed form solution to the hyperbolic advection equation with variable coefficients. This problem will be included in the oceanographic test cases of Paluskiewicz, a DOE effort to have a standardized suite of test cases for testing numerical schemes.

Spectral elements on triangles

Spectral elements applied to quadrilateral domains are inconvenient for adaptive mesh techniques. One method of doing this uses the mortar element technique, but it destroys the diagonal mass matrix enjoyed by conforming methods. The methods of Dubiner. This research finds the natural eigenfunctions on the triangle.

The Vector Multiprocessor

A patent has been granted on a novel computer design called the Vector Multiprocessor (VMP) developed by Paul Swarztrauber. This architecture brings to the multiprocessor what vectorization brought to the single processor. All vectors and arrays are uniformly distributed across the processors and additional vectors that are generated at run time by vector subscript syntax are also distributed at the average rate of one element per cycle to every processor. Computation then proceeds independently in each processor using the parallelism that is implicit in traditional vector calculations. Granularity ranges from fine-grain elementwise distribution to traditional coarse-grain computations depending on the size N of the vectors/arrays and the number of processors P. Each processor contains N/P elements and the programming paradigm is the same as a single vector processor. A program written for a single vector processor ports to the VMP with minimal modification. The VMP is the product of an effort to determine the optimum algorithmic and architectural environment for weather/climate models. It is a general purpose high performance scalable multiprocessor (SMP) that evolved from the answers to such questions as: What is the best possible SMP performance? Will communication always dominate SMP performance? Is there a "best" SMP architecture?

Spectral and high-order methods for the shallow water equations on the sphere

Research is being conducted on ways of approximating the spatial derivatives required to solve the shallow water equations on the sphere which are faster and scale better than the spectral transform method currently in use. This has led to a revival of Merilees' pseudospectral method and Gilliland's fourth-order compact method. Both these methods require filtering to avoid the restrictive CFL (time-step) condition associated with latitude-longitude grids and to improve the stability of explicit time-stepping methods. In the past, sufficiently robust filters could not be found and the methods were abandoned.

We have found a robust and stable, albeit slow, filter which uses spherical harmonics. This filter has demonstrated that any reasonably accurate method used for spatial derivatives in spherical geometry is all that is needed, as long as the filter is sufficiently robust. Thus, the problem reduces to either (1) finding a fast version of the spherical harmonic filter, or (2) sufficiently emulating the spherical harmonic filter's stability properties with a more traditional FFT-based filter. Finding a fast Legendre transform has long proved elusive, but the fast spherical harmonic filter problem has provided new opportunities in this area. Similarly, projecting the spherical harmonic filter response onto FFT-space has helped guide us in designing new FFT filters, giving us two promising approaches to the fast filter problem.

SEAM: Spectral Element Atmospheric Model

We have continued the development SEAM, a spectral element atmospheric model. This is a complete GCM dynamical core which uses a spectral element discretization in the horizontal direction (the surface of the sphere) taken from the shallow water model described in [Taylor et al, J. Comput. Phys. 1997]. Spectral elements are a type of finite element method in which a high degree spectral method is used within each element. The method provides spectral accuracy while retaining both parallel efficiency and the geometric flexibility of unstructured finite elements grids. In the vertical direction, SEAM makes use of a sigma coordinate finite difference discretization taken from the NCAR CCM3 [Kiehl et al. NCAR/TN-420+STR, 1996]. We are conducting research in four areas related to SEAM:

1. Performance on NCAR's HP Exemplar

Spectral element methods are ideal for modern MPPs. Standard domain decomposition software is used to distribute the elements among the processors. Communication costs are minimal since each element needs only to communicate its boundary data with neighboring elements. The computationally intensive spectral transforms which must be performed within each element are localized to each processor and require no communication. Furthermore, the elements in the spectral element method provide a natural way to block the code, providing an additional advantage: lots of computations are performed on small blocks of data which fit into the cache of the processor. Unlike spherical harmonic spectral methods, the size of these blocks in the spectral element method is small and independent of resolution. Thus we have good performance and scalability even at resolutions above T85 where global spectral models start to experience cache "thrashing."

On NCAR's HP Exemplar, for a wide variety of problem and machine sizes, SEAM has close to perfect scalability up to 64 processors. For example, a T85/L20 test case runs at between 100 and 130 MFLOPS per processor, all the way up to 64 processors. This gives us a sustained performance of 9 GFLOPS on the full machine. Preliminary results suggest that we will be able to achieve 25 GFLOPS on a 256 processor HP Exemplar.

2. Validation of the model

In addition to achieving impressive GFLOP rates, any numerical model must of course also produce accurate results. We have been making extensive use of the Held-Suarez dry dynamical core test case [Held and Suarez, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 1994] to validate SEAM and compare SEAM with other GCM dynamical cores. The results are practically identical to Held-Suarez results from spherical harmonic spectral models.

3. Localized mesh refinement

SEAM makes use of fully unstructured grids, allowing a single low resolution grid to contain areas of higher horizontal resolution. Thus regional and higher resolution can be achieved (over a limited region) within a global model in a truly interactive fashion and without resorting to any kind of a posteriori nesting or interpolation between different models. This work may lean to improved climate simulations by allowing increased resolution in a few dynamically significant regions. Similarly, regional climate simulations may be improved by allowing regional resolution to be incorporated within a global model in a two-way interactive fashion. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of this type of localized mesh refinement in the shallow water equations. We are now in the process of testing the effectiveness of local mesh refinement using the full 3D primitive equations. We are using the Held-Suarez test case forcing along with realistic topography. As expected, the vertical velocity has unrealistically large Gibbs-like oscillations upstream of steep topography. We have recently completed a suite of long integrations at various uniform global resolutions. These will soon be followed with runs made with very high resolution only near the Andes and the Himalayas and uniform, lower resolution over the rest of the sphere. We expect these results to be similar to those obtained with the shallow water equations: Improved solutions at significantly less computational cost.

4. SEAM vs. CCM3

At present SEAM uses an explicit time step which is 8 times smaller than that used in conventional semi-implicit climate models such as the CCM3. Even with this performance penalty the model runs so efficiently on MPPs that it is still slightly faster than spherical harmonic based models. T42/L20 resolution runs at 8s/model day, compared to about 15s/model day for the dynamical core of CCM3 on NCAR's HP Exemplar. However, these differences are not that significant considering that the dynamical core represents less than 50% of work done in a full featured climate model. Thus replacing the dynamical core of CCM3 with any other model will not result in any significant performance improvements and will only create many new problems. Instead, we compare SEAM with CCM3 to establish that SEAM is a reasonable and competitive GCM dynamical core, with some disadvantages but also some advantages (such as described in #3 above) not found in other climate models.

Technology tracking

The Computational Science Section (CSS) has responsibility for tracking the developments in high performance computing technology for SCD and NCAR. CSS staff assess the capabilities of the latest systems available from vendors and evaluate the performance of these these systems on problems typically found in the atmospheric sciences community. These systems, from workstations to supercomputers, are evaluated through literature, vendor presentations, and benchmarks.

With the exceptions of the shallow water model (SWM) codes, the benchmark codes are benchmarks which were developed for evaluation of systems which were proposed in response to the recent UCAR/NCAR ACE Request for Proposal (RFP). These benchmarks were developed to represent the NCAR computing workload.

Description of benchmarks

The NCAR benchmark codes are organized into three sets of benchmarks: the kernel benchmarks, the shallow water model, and the NCAR CCM2 climate model. The complete set is available through anonymous ftp and descriptions of the benchmarks are given in README files for each code. (The codes are in the UCAR ftp site,, as kern1.tar.Z, SHAL.tar.Z, and ccm2.t42.tar.Z. The files are compressed and tarred.)

The kernels are a set of relatively simple codes which measure important aspects of the system such as cpu speed, memory bandwidth, and efficiency of intrinsic functions. These are the kernel codes:

The second benchmark set consists of different implementations and resolutions of a shallow water model. The shallow water equations give a primitive but useful representation of the dynamics of the atmosphere. The model has been used over the past decade to evaluate the high-end performance of computer systems. Finite difference approximations are used to solve the set of two-dimensional, partial differential equations. There is a single-processor version (with Cray multitasking directives), a parallel PVM version, and a Fortran 90 version of the model. The model is easily vectorized and parallelized and gives an indication of the higher-end performance of a system for moderate (64 x 64) and high (256 x 256) resolution problems.

The third benchmark is the NCAR Community Climate Model Version 2 (CCM2), which is a three-dimensional global climate model. This is the production version of the CCM in early 1994 and is computationally very close to the current production version which is widely used by the climate research community.

Systems tested

The current benchmark set was run on the systems in this table during the past year:

Systems benchmarked in 1997

System Model Clock
CRI C90 250 1000
CRI J90/SE 100 200
HP/Convex SPP2000 (PA8000) 180 720
SGI Power Challenge
196 392
SUN Ultra Sparc2 250 500

The first figure below shows the performance of these systems for the computational benchmarks shal64, shal256, and radabs. The next figure gives the time to complete one day of simulation of the CCM2 on one processor of the systems. The third figure shows a comparison of the memory bandwidth of the systems for a copy of an array to a second array.

Single processor 
benchmark performance

Bar chart showing the performance of radabs, shal64, and shal256 for each vendor

Single processor CCM2 

Bar chart showing the performance of CCM2

Peak single processor 
memory bandwidth

Plot showing the results of the COPY benchmark

Note that the computational performance in MFLOPS increases with resolution for vector machines but decreases for cache-based microprocessors. This can be attributed to the performance of the cache-based memory system of the RISC processors. As problem size increases, the cache use is less efficient. Figure 3 shows the memory bandwidth of the systems for the simple task of copying an array from one memory location to another. For raw performance, as measured by these benchmarks, for systems with comparable clock speeds, the vector architectures give better performance than the RISC microprocessors. However the price performance of the RISC-based systems is typically better than that of the vector-processor-based systems.

CSS staff continued to interact with SRC Computers (Seymour Cray's company in Colorado Springs, CO). SRC personnel have visited NCAR/SCD on several occasions during the past year to give non-disclosure presentations on their development efforts and status. CSS has run a portion of the NCAR benchmarks on the SRC pre-prototype system and has provided SRC with the NCAR benchmarks and latest versions of the NCAR atmospheric (CCM3) and ocean (POP and NCOM) models.

Software development


National and international distribution continues. Last year 36 people from foreign and U.S. institutions received MUDPACK consultation and software. Plans are underway to (a) create a Fortran 90 version of the package (b) convert all solvers for non-singular PDEs to hybrids using direct methods at the coarsest grid level (c) investigate recoding of relaxation and residual restriction kernels for efficient implementation on DSM machines.


A Fortran BETA test version of SPHEREPACK 2.0 is now being released to friendly users. An agreement with Paul White at UCAR has been reached which specifies conditions for release of the software. The NCAR technical note "SPHEREPACK 2.0: A MODEL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY" has been published. Web based documentation is being produced. A paper is being submitted to the Monthly Weather Review. The package now consists of 85 main subroutines for computing and inverting differential operators on the sphere, transferring scalar and vector fields between Gaussian and equally spaced grids, computing associated Legendre functions, Gaussian weights and points, multiple fast Fourier transforms, and display of scalar functions on the sphere. All the driver-level routines are based on vector and scalar spherical harmonics. SPHEREPACK 2.0 is being incorporated into the CSM processor for computation and display of vector and scalar quantities on the globe.


The original TLCPACK was converted to a fortran 90 compatible version now called REGRIDPACK. This package "regrids" or transfers data between higher dimensional grids using vectorized linear or cubic interpolation. For portability, all codes have been tested on different platforms with both Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 compilers.

CHAMMP Parallel/Distributed Coupled Modeling

The CSS work on the collaborative Parallel Climate Model (PCM) project with CGD is focused primarily on porting and optimizing the PCM components for MPI platforms; particularly, the HP/Convex Exemplar, the SGI Origin and the Cray T3E. The model consists of three components (CCM3, POP and ICE) which can be run independently in stand alone mode for verification, or together with the flux coupler (FCD) in coupled mode. The source code for each component resides in a shared CVS repository so that the CGD PCM group and the CSS group can develop the model concurrently using the same code base.

The MPI port of the CCM3.2 atmosphere model is complete and has been validated. Most of the communication algorithms were redesigned to obtain better scaling on 32 or more processors, while maintaining the ability to run on arbitrary numbers of processors. The decomposition of the domain by latitude, however, limits the current version of CCM to no more than 64 processors for T42. The MPI version of CCM3.2 attains more than 2GF/sec on a 64 node HP SPP-2000.

The "new" POP ocean model, written in F90, is maintained by LANL. Since POP already supports an MPI version, the port to the HP/Convex Exemplar was fairly simple. However, the performance of POP on the Exemplar was disappointing compared to the SGI Origin and Cray T3E. A detailed analysis of the performance of POP on the Exemplar was performed which pointed to the HP F90 compiler as the problem; specifically, array section subroutine argument evaluation and array syntax inefficiencies. A simple test case of POP was translated to F77 using VAST-90 and a speedup of 3X was obtained, demonstrating that POP could indeed perform well on the Exemplar hardware. The "new" POP model has been validated by the CGD PCM group.

The PCM ice model ICE has been ported from a T3D version using the proprietary Cray "SHMEM" message-passing API to a portable MPI implementation. Most of the communication algorithms were redesigned to be more efficient on DSM architectures under MPI. Portability issues involving default integer size and binary file formats between the T3D and other platforms were also addressed. The ICE model has been validated in stand alone mode on the HP SPP-2000, Cray T3E, and SGI Origin.

The flux coupler FCD was also ported from a T3D "SHMEM" version to a portable MPI version. Again, many of the communication algorithms were redesigned to be more efficient on DSM/MPI platforms. The validation of the flux coupler will be performed when we run the PCM together in coupled mode.

Education, outreach, and knowledge transfer

In the past year, CSS received 149 requests for 50,271.7 General Accounting Units (GAUs) and sent them out for review. In addition, we processed 21 requests requiring panel action for use of the Climate Simulation Laboratory resources totalling 20,379 equivalent C-90 hours. The panel allocated 10,783 to Antero (C90), 2,600 to the J-9, and 1,395 to the Cray T3D.

In December, 1996, CSS began researching ways to automate the procedure for processing computing requests, by developing websites and using existing resources (i.e., oracle databases to simplify report production and automatically generate expiration or overdrawn status notification letters to users).

Concurrently, the process was examined to determine ways to streamline existing procedures to eliminate the duplication of efforts and the use of outdated methods.

Websites were developed and the first electronic computing request was received mid-January 1997. Approximately 52% of requests received are sent to CSS electronically, and since May 20, 1997, all reviews of these requests have been solicited from potential reviewers electronically.

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