MATH 246 - Dr. Wolfe
List For Exam #3 (November 28, 2007)
The Exam will cover material in Text: Sections 6.1-6.5,  
7.1,  7.4-7.6,  7.8  and 9.1.
Chapter 6
- Laplace Transform
- Theorem 6.2.1 and corollary 6.2.2
- Step Function
- Theorem 6.3.1
- Dirac Delta Function
- p.312 Ex. 5(a),(b);  p.322, Ex 11;  p.330, Ex 9;
  P337, Ex 1.
Chapter 7
- Systems of First Order Linear Equations.
- Transforming a second order equation into a system of two
first order equations.
- Fundamental set of solutions of a homogeneous system.
- Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2 × 2 matrix.
- Fundamental set of solutions in the case of real distinct eigenvlues.
- Fundadental set of solutions in the case of complex eigenvalues
- Fundamental set of solutions in the case of a repeated eigenvalue.
- p.360, Ex. 5;  p.398, Ex.1;  p.410, Ex. 1;
  p.428, Ex.1.
Section 9.1
- Phase plane
- Node
- Saddle point
- Spiral point
- Center
- Stability of the origin
- p.492, Ex. 2, 4, 5 (parts (a), (b), and (c) only).