V. Mastrantonis, Y.A. Rubinstein,
An introduction to convex, complex, and differential geoemtry via the Mahler conjectures ,
in preparation.
R.J. Berman, Y.A. Rubinstein, Eds.,
Convex and Complex: Perspectives on Positivity in Geometry ,
American Mathematical Society, 2025.
Y.A. Rubinstein, B. Shiffman, Eds.,
Advances in Complex Geometry ,
American Mathematical Society, 2019.
M.A. Peterson, Y.A. Rubinstein, Eds.,
Directions for Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates , World Scientific, 2016.
review in Notices of the American Mathematical Society ,
review in The Mathematical Gazette )
Frontiers of Geometric Analysis
In honor of Gang Tian 's 65th birthday,
Santa Cruz,
June 3-7, 2024.
Convex and Complex: Perspectives on Positivity in Geometry
In honor of Bo Berndtsson 's 70th birthday,
October 31-November 4, 2022.
34th Geometry Festival -
University of Maryland,
April 5-7, 2019.
Metro Area Differential Geometry Seminar (MADGuyS)
Howard University, April 27, 2019.
UMD Geometry Week
University of Maryland,
March 12-16, 2018.
Maryland Analysis and Geometry Atelier
University of Maryland,
August 21-25, 2017.
Videos of lectures
Pacific Rim
Workshop on Geometric Analysis
- University of British Columbia, July 24-28, 2017.
New Directions for Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Mt. Holyoke College, June 21-22, 2013.
28th Geometry Festival: Calabifest -
In celebration of the 90th birthday of Eugenio Calabi ,
University of Maryland,
April 12-14, 2013.
Complex Geometry and Microlocal Analysis - special session at
the AMS Eastern Spring meeting, Boston College, April 6-7, 2013.
Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar (BADG)
- Stanford, June 2, 2012.
Jakob Hultgren
Tamas Darvas
Jesus Martinez Garcia
Robert Shorb
Vasanth Pidaparthy
Vlasios Mastrantonis
Chenzi Jin
Yuxiang Ji
Mirna Pinsky
Kewei Zhang
Matthew Dellatorre
Ryan Hunter
Michael Lindsey
Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
2016: Co-edited the book
Directions for Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates .
The book has been reviewed in
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
and in The Mathematical Gazette .
2016: Co-authored an
article on new models for REUs and
the culture of Mathematics.
2013: Co-organized the conference
New Directions for Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates
at Mt. Holyoke College. Here is an
article summarizing the
2012: Co-founded
and led an REU on Optimal
Transportation, resulting in a
theorem , a
senior thesis project , and the
Honors Thesis Prize
and the SIAM
Student Paper prize for
my student Michael Lindsey.
REU students
Vishesh Jain
Michael Lindsey
Lyuboslav Panchev
2016: Co-edited the book
Directions for Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates .
The book has been reviewed in
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
and in The Mathematical Gazette .
Minicourses & Lecture notes
A crash course to large deviation principles and optimal transport -
UMD graduate course on Topics in Geometric Analysis Fall 2017.
Here are the
lecture notes
. (Published version in: Birational Geometry, Kahler-Einstein Metrics and Degenerations (I. Cheltsov et al., Eds), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 409, Springer, 2023, pp. 795-837.)
An introduction to Kahler geometry: Tian's properness
conjectures - SCGAS
Winter School
- UC Irvine, January 25-29, 2016.
Here are the
lecture notes . (Published version
in: Geometric Analysis (J. Chen et al., Eds.),
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 333, Birkhauser, 2020,
pp. 381-443.)
Solutions to an equation that do not
solve the equation - Getting
Started with PDEs
- IIAS, Hebrew University, September 3-9, 2015.
Smooth and singular Kahler-Einstein metrics -
Advanced School on PDEs in Geometry and Physics
- Hefei, China, June 30-July 11, 2014.
Here are the
lecture notes .
(Published version in:
Geometric and Spectral Analysis
(P. Albin et al., Eds.),
Contemp. Math. 630, AMS and Centre Recherches Mathematiques, 2014,
pp. 45-138.)
(with C. Jin, G. Tian)
Stability thresholds for big classes ,
preprint, 2025, arxiv:2501.18150.
Convex meets complex ,
preprint, 2024, arxiv:2410.23500.
(with C. Jin, G. Tian)
Asymptotics of discrete Okounkov bodies and thresholds ,
preprint, 2024, arxiv:2410.20694.
(with C. Jin)
Asymptotics of quantized barycenters of lattice polytopes with applications to algebraic geometry ,
preprint, 2024, arxiv:2406.18969. To appear in Math. Z.
(with C. Jin)
Tian's stabilization problem for toric Fanos ,
preprint, 2024, arxiv:2403.17262. To appear in Geometry & Topology.
(with V. Mastrantonis)
Two-dimensional Blocki, L^p-Mahler, and Bourgain conjectures ,
preprint, 2024, arxiv:2401.10992.
To appear in Indiana Univ. Math. J.
(with B. Berndtsson, V. Mastrantonis)
L^p-polarity, Mahler volumes, and the isotropic constant ,
Analysis & PDE 17 (2024), 2179-2245.
(with C. Jin)
Chebyshev potentials, Fubini-Study metrics, and geometry of the space of Kahler metrics ,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 56 (2024), 881-906.
(with V. Mastrantonis)
The Nazarov proof of the non-symmetric Bourgain-Milman inequality ,
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 73 (2024), 911-953.
On large deviation principles and the Monge-Ampere equation (following Berman, Hultgren) , in: Birational Geometry, Kahler-Einstein Metrics and Degenerations (I. Cheltsov et al., Eds), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 409, Springer, 2023, pp. 795-837.
(with Y. Ji, K. Zhang)
Eguchi-Hanson metrics arising from Kahler-Einstein edge metrics ,
J. Topology & Analysis (2024).
(with K. Zhang)
Angle deformation of Kahler-Einstein edge metrics on Hirzebruch
surfaces ,
Pure Appl. Math. Quart. 18, special issue in honor
of Bernard Shiffman (2022), 343-366.
(with G. Tian, K. Zhang)
Basis divisors and balanced metrics ,
Crelle J. 778 (2021), 171-218.
(with P. Cascini, J. Martinez-Garcia)
On the body of ample angles of asymptotically log Fano varieties ,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 72 (2023), 773-790.
Classification of strongly asymptotically log del Pezzo
flags and surfaces ,
Internat. J. Math. 33 (2022), no. 10-11, 27 pp.
High-dimensional convex sets arising in algebraic geometry ,
in: Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis (B. Klartag, E. Milman,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2266 (2020), pp. 301-323.
(with K. Zhang)
Small angle limits of Hamilton's footballs ,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 52 (2020) 189-199.
(with T. Buttsworth, A. Pulemotov, W. Ziller)
On the Ricci iteration for homogeneous metrics on spheres and projective
spaces ,
Transformation Groups 26 (2021), 145-164.
(with I.A. Cheltsov, K. Zhang)
Basis log canonical thresholds, local intersection estimates, and
asymptotically log del Pezzo surfaces ,
Selecta Math 25 (2019), no. 2, 36 pp.
properness conjectures: an introduction to Kahler geometry ,
in: Geometric Analysis (J. Chen et al., Eds.),
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 333, Birkhauser, 2020,
pp. 381-443.
(with T. Darvas, C.H. Lu)
Quantization in geometric pluripotential theory ,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 73 (2020), 1100-1138.
(with T. Darvas)
Convergence of the Kahler-Ricci iteration ,
Analysis & PDE 12 (2019), 721-735.
(with B. Berndtsson, D. Cordero-Erausquin, B. Klartag)
Complex Legendre duality ,
Amer. J. Math. 142 (2020), 323-339.
(with B. Berndtsson, D. Cordero-Erausquin, B. Klartag)
Complex interpolation of R-norms, duality and foliations ,
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 22 (2020), 477- 505.
(with T. Darvas)
A minimum principle for Lagrangian graphs ,
Comm. Anal. Geom. 27 (2019), 857-876.
(with A. Pulemotov)
Ricci iteration on homogeneous spaces ,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 6257-6287.
(with M. Lindsey)
Optimal transport via a Monge-Amp re optimization problem
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 49 (2017), 3073-3124.
(with I.A. Cheltsov)
On flops and canonical metrics ,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 18 (2018), 283- 311.
(with J.P. Solomon)
degenerate special Lagrangian equation ,
Adv. Math. 310 (2017), 889-939.
(with T. Darvas)
Tian's properness conjectures and Finsler geometry of the space of Kahler
metrics ,
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (2017), 347-387.
(with R. Vakil)
REUs with limited faculty involvement, "underrepresented" subjects in the
undergraduate curriculum, and the culture of Mathematics ,
Directions for Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates
(M.A. Peterson, Y.A. Rubinstein, Eds.), World Scientific, 2016,
pp. 53-72.
(with T. Darvas)
Kiselman's principle, the Dirichlet problem for the Monge-Ampere equation, and
rooftop obstacle problems
(alternative link) ,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 68 (2016), 773-796.
and singular Kahler-Einstein metrics
Geometric and Spectral Analysis
(P. Albin et al., Eds.),
Contemp. Math. 630, AMS and Centre Recherches Mathematiques, 2014,
pp. 45-138.
(with A. Carlotto and O. Chodosh)
Slowly converging Yamabe flows ,
Geometry & Topology 19 (2015), 1523-1568.
(with O. Chodosh, V. Jain, M. Lindsey, and L. Panchev)
On discontinuity of planar optimal transport maps ,
J. Topology & Analysis 7 (2015), 239-260.
(with S. Artstein-Avidan)
Differential analysis of polarity: Polar Hamilton-Jacobi,
conservation laws, and Monge Amp re equations ,
J. d'Analyse Math. 132 (2017),
(with I.A. Cheltsov)
Asymptotically log Fano varieties ,
Adv. Math. 285 (2015), 1241-1300.
(with R. Mazzeo and N. Sesum)
Ricci flow on surfaces with conic singularities ,
Analysis & PDE 8 (2015), 839-882.
(with R. Mazzeo)
The Ricci continuity method for the complex Monge-Ampere equation,
with applications to Kahler-Einstein edge metrics ,
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 350 (2012), 693-697.
(with S. Zelditch)
The Cauchy problem
for the homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation, III. Lifespan ,
Crelle's J. 724 (2017), 105-143.
(with R. Mazzeo and T. Jeffres)
Kahler-Einstein metrics with edge singularities ,
(with an appendix by C. Li and Y.A. Rubinstein),
Annals of Math. 183 (2016), 95-176.
(with B. Clarke)
Conformal deformations of the Ebin metric and a generalized Calabi metric
on the space of Riemannian metrics ,
Ann. IHP Anal. Non Lineaire 30 (2013), 251-274.
(with B. Clarke)
Ricci flow and the metric
completion of the space of Kahler metrics ,
Amer. J. Math. 135 (2013), 1477-1505.
(with S. Zelditch)
The Cauchy problem for the
homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation, II. Legendre transform ,
Adv. Math. 228 (2011), 2989-3025.
(with S. Zelditch)
The Cauchy problem for the
homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation, I. Toeplitz
quantization , J. Differential Geom. 90 (2012), 303-327.
(with I. Rodnianski and G. Staffilani)
On the global well-posedness of the one-dimensional Schrodinger map
flow , Analysis & PDE 2 (2009), 187-209.
(with S. Zelditch)
Bergman approximations of harmonic maps into the space of Kahler metrics on toric
varieties , J. Symp. Geom. 8 (2010), 239-265.
Geometric quantization and dynamical constructions on the
space of Kahler metrics , Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.
Some discretizations of geometric evolution equations and the Ricci iteration
on the space of Kahler metrics , Adv. Math. 218 (2008), 1526-1565.
On the construction of Nadel multiplier ideal sheaves and the limiting behavior
of the Ricci flow ,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 5839-5850.
The Ricci iteration and its
applications , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), 445-448.
On energy
functionals, Kahler-Einstein metrics, and the
Moser-Trudinger-Onofri neighborhood , J. Funct. Anal. 255, special issue
dedicated to Paul Malliavin (2008), 2641-2660.
(with M. Peterson)
Turbulence on a desktop ,
Comp. Sci. Eng. 3 (2001), 86-94.
(with S. Gueron)
The minimal reversible coagulation-fragmentation process having no factorized coagulation and
fragmentation rates, Markov Process. Related Fields 6 (2000), 257-264.
(with H. Bailey)
A Variety of Triangle Inequalities ,
College Math. J. 31 (2000), 350-355.
Errata list for my articles
Complex Geometry Seminar
Geometric Analysis Seminar
Distinguished Lecture Series in Geometric Analysis
Seminars in the Department.
of Mathematics
(course 274, Fall 2022).
Topics in Geometric Analysis: the Mahler Conjectures
(course 848V, Fall 2022).
of Mathematics
(course 274, Fall 2021).
Topics in Differential Geometry
(course 848Y, Fall 2021).
to Number Theory
(course 406, Spring 2021):
TTh 9:30am.
of Mathematics
(course 274, Fall 2020):
TTh 2pm.
Complex Surfaces
(course 848Y, Fall 2020):
TTh 12:30pm.
Topics in Differential Geometry
(course 20204211,
Fall 2020):
M 1:15, W 16:15, Goldsmith 208.
to Number Theory
(course 406, Fall 2018):
MWF 12pm, MATH 0307.
microlocal analysis
(course 848G, Fall 2018):
MWF 2pm, MATH 2300.
Equations for Scientists and Engineers (honors)
(course 246H, Spring 2018):
TuTh 12:30pm, MATH 1308.
Geometric Analysis
(course 742, Fall 2017):
TTh 2pm, MATH B0431.
Equations for Scientists and Engineers (honors)
(course 246H, Spring 2017):
TuTh 12:30pm, MATH 1308.
Equations for Scientists and Engineers (honors)
(course 246H, Fall 2016):
TuTh 12:30pm, MATH 0304.
Equations for Scientists and Engineers (honors)
(course 246H, Fall 2015):
MWF 10am, MATH 1311.
Topics in fully nonlinear
(course 858Y, Fall 2015):
MWF 12 noon, MATH 1313.
Geometric Analysis
(course 742, Fall 2014):
TTh 9:30am, MATH 0104.
Topics in Complex Analysis: Kahler
(course 868K, Fall 2014):
TTh 12:30am, EGR 3114.
Geometric Analysis
(course 742, Fall 2013):
TTh 11am, MATH 1308.
Differential Geometry of
Curves and
Surfaces I
(course 436, Fall 2013):
TTh 2pm, MATH B0421.
Topics in
Geometric Analysis: The Yamabe Problem
(course 748F, Spring 2013):
TTh 2pm.
(course 430, Fall 2012):
TTh 2pm.
research project: Optimal Transportation
(SURIM, Summer 2012).
to Optimal Transportation (course 287, Winter 2012, at Stanford):
MWF 11am.
Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables
(course 51, Autumn 2011, at Stanford):
MWF 11am and 1:15pm.
Differential Equations (course 256A, Spring 2010, at Stanford):
MWF 2:15pm.
Analysis, Geometry, and Topology (course 215A, Autumn 2009, at Stanford):
TTh 2:15pm.
Geometry (course 110.645, Fall 2008, at JHU).
Past Seminars
2009-2012 (Stanford):
Geometry Seminar.
2008-2009 (JHU):
Geometry Seminar.
graduate student seminar on Kahler geometry through examples.
2005-2006 (MIT):
Student Seminar on Geometric
Stability in Differential
Mailing address:
University of Maryland
Department of Mathematics
4176 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20742-4015, USA
Office: Mathematics Building.