Time: Tuesdays, Thursdays at 2pm.
Room: Mathematics Building , room B0427
Teacher: Y.A.
Rubinstein. Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday 1-2pm, and by appointment.
Grader: Krithika Ravishankar.
Email: krithika@umd.edu
Course plan:
There are many routes to Geometry. We will start by reviewing some high-school
geometry going back to Euclid's original book, emphasizing coordinates and
complex numbers as we go along. We will explore some beautiful theorems
in Euclidean geometry. Then we will move on to explore the fascinating realms of spherical and
Main references:
J. Stillwell,
The four pillars of geometry, Springer, 2005.
V. V. Prasolov, V. M. Tikhomirov, Geometry, American Mathematical Society, 2001.
J. Stillwell, Geometry of surfaces, Springer, 1992.
J. Stillwell, Sources of hyperbolic geometry, American Mathematical Society, 1996.
Additional references: TBA as we go along.
Homeworks on a weekly basis. Homework from the previous week due on
the next Thursday in-class. No late homework will be accepted out of consideration
to the grader. Each student's worst homework grade will be omitted for the computation of the
final grade.
There will be two midterms (October 9th, and November 20th, in class) and a final. Each of these
and the homework will
contribute a quarter of the final grade.