Stanford University
Department of Mathematics


Geometry Seminar Winter 2010

Organizers: Jacob Bernstein (jbern@math.*), Brian Clarke (bfclarke@*) and Yanir Rubinstein (yanir@math.*)

Time: Wednesdays at 4 PM

Location: 383N



Next Seminar

10 March

Speaker: Andrew Hassell (ANU)

Title: Quasi-orthogonality of boundary values of eigenfunctions, and applications to a numerical method for computing eigenfunctions.


Consider Dirichlet eigenfunctions for a smooth bounded plane domain. The normal derivatives of these eigenfunctions are known, at least heuristically, to be "quasi-orthogonal" when the eigenvalues are sufficiently close. I will discuss a new result -- with a remarkably simple proof -- expressing this quasi-orthogonality, and apply it to give sharp theoretical bounds on the accuracy of the "method of particular solutions" for numerically computing such eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. This is joint work with Alex Barnett (Dartmouth).

Winter Quarter

6 January

Speaker: Sergey Cherkis (Trinity)

Title: Yang-Mills Instantons in Curved Backgrounds


A Yang-Mills instanton is a connections with the self-dual curvature on a vector bundle over a four-manifold. Instantons play an important role in differential geometry and physics. Since the original construction of Atiyah, Drinfeld, Hitchin, and Manin of instantons on flat space it was generalized in a number of ways by Kronheimer and Nakajima and by Nahm. All of these generalizations are restricted to base spaces that are flat or have a flat orbifold limit. We present a general construction for instantons on essentially curved ALF spaces. For the case of instanton number one, it allows us to find the explicit metrics on their moduli space as well as the explicit instanton connection.

13 January

Speaker: Peter Perry (Kentucky)

Title: Spectral Geometry of Manifolds Hyperbolic Near Infinity


This talk concerns joint work with David Borthwick and with David Borthwick, Tanya Christiansen, and Peter Hislop. A conformally compact manifold is a compact manifold with boundary, $X$,  together with a metric $g$ having the property that $x^2 g$ is a smooth metric up to the boundary, where $x$ is a defining function for the boundary of $X$. The Riemannian manifold $(X,g)$ is \emph{hyperbolic near infinity} if the sectional curvatures of $g$ are identically $-1$ in a neighborhood of the boundary. Since $X$ is non-compact, ``most'' of the spectral data for the Laplacian are the scattering resonances, defined as poles of the meromorphically continued resolvent of the Laplacian. In this talk we will review recent results on the geometric content of the resonances, including their distribution in the complex plane, and the extent to which the resonances constrain the Riemannian metric in a compact subset of $X$. 

20 January

Speaker: No Seminar



27 January

Speaker: Richard Melrose (MIT)

Title: Resolution and Compactification of Moduli and configuration spaces


In this talk I will describe some of the significant properties of three compact manfolds with corners obtained, respectively, as the resolution of a group action (joint work with Pierre Albin), the asymptotic configuration space for a vector space and the compactified moduli space of magnetic monopoles (joint work with Michael Singer). I will not have time to discuss these constructions in any detail but intend instead to emphasize their common, particularly their iterative features and how these can be expected to appear elsewhere.

3 February

Speaker: Francisco Martin (Granada)

Title: Results on the Calabi-Yau problem for minimal surfaces.


A natural question in the global theory of minimal surfaces, first raised by Calabi and later revisited by Yau, asks whether or not there exists a complete immersed minimal surface in a bounded domain D in Euclidean space. Consider a domain D which is convex (possibly all R^3) or which is smooth and bounded. Given any open surface M,  we prove that there exists a complete, proper minimal immersion f: M ---> D.

Moreover, if D is smooth and bounded, then we prove that the immersion f can be chosen so that the limit sets of distinct ends of M are disjoint, connected compact sets in the boundary of D.

Finally, we will prove that the  results above are sharp, in the sense that they fail to be true  when D is neither convex or smooth and bounded.

10 February

Speaker: Yng-Ing Lee (Taiwan)

Title: Eternal Solutions to Lagrangian Brakke Flow


In a joint work with M.T. Wang, we construct Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian shrinkers and expanders for mean curvature flow asymptotic to a pair of Schoen-Wolfson cones, and show that they can be glued together to yield eternal solutions to Lagrangian Brakke flow without mass loss. Here Brakke flow is a weak formulation of mean curvature flow, and Schoen-Wolfson cones are obstructions to the existence of special Lagrangian surfaces. It is conjectured that among all Schoen-Wofson cones, only (2, 1) cone is area minimizing. We can use Brakke flow to distinguish (2, 1) cone from other cones, and prove an infinitesimal version of the conjecture.

We later generalize these results to higher dimensions and in particular obtain higher dimensional analog of Schoen-Wolfson cones with various topology. Other non-Hamiltonian stationary eternal solutions are also obtained.

17 February

Speaker: Tom Banchoff (Brown)

Title: Geometry of Normal Euler Numbers for Smooth and Polyhedral Surfaces in Four-Space


The normal Euler number for an orientable or non-orientable smooth surface immersed in Euclidean four-space is the algebraic number of its intersections with the surface deformed along a generic normal vector field, for example the mean curvature vector field. We compare two definitions of the normal Euler number that are geometric enough to work as well for polyhedral surfaces, involving inflection faces and the self-linking numbers of spherical polygons in the three-sphere, related to a construction of Gromov, Lawson, and Thurston as interpreted by Kuiper. This presentation will be illustrated by interactive computer graphics.

24 February

Speaker: Spyros Alexakis (Toronto)

Title: A black hole uniqueness theorem


I will discuss recent joint work with A. Ionescu and S. Klainerman on the black hole uniqueness problem. A classical result of Hawking (building on earlier work of Carter and Robinson) asserts that any vacuum, stationary black hole exterior region must be isometric to the Kerr exterior, under the restrictive assumption that the space-time metric should be analytic in the entire exterior region. We prove that Hawking's theorem remains valid without the assumption of analyticity, for black hole exteriors which are apriori assumed to be "close" to the Kerr exterior solution in a very precise sense. Our method of proof relies on certain geometric Carleman-type estimates for the wave operator.

3 March

Speaker: Zhou Zhang (Michigan)

Title: Scalar curvature behavior for the Kahler-Ricci flow


The optimal existence result of the Kahler-Ricci flow indicates the possibility of finite and infinite time singularities by cohomology characterization. We focus on the behavior of scalar curvature, which can be very different in these two cases.

10 March

Speaker: Andrew Hassell (ANU)

Title: Quasi-orthogonality of boundary values of eigenfunctions, and applications to a numerical method for computing eigenfunctions.


Consider Dirichlet eigenfunctions for a smooth bounded plane domain. The normal derivatives of these eigenfunctions are known, at least heuristically, to be "quasi-orthogonal" when the eigenvalues are sufficiently close. I will discuss a new result -- with a remarkably simple proof -- expressing this quasi-orthogonality, and apply it to give sharp theoretical bounds on the accuracy of the "method of particular solutions" for numerically computing such eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. This is joint work with Alex Barnett (Dartmouth).

Fall Quarter

For the Fall 2009 Schedule go here