Hopkins-Maryland Complex Geometry Seminar
Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland
DATE: Mondays at 4 pm (JHU), or Tuesdays at 4:30pm (UMD).
ROOM: Krieger 308 (JHU), Math 3206 (UMD).
T. Darvas,
Y. A. Rubinstein,
B. Shiffman,
R. Wentworth,
S. Wolpert,
H. Xu.
COORDINATORS: Y. A. Rubinstein, B. Shiffman.
PREVIOUS YEARS: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018.
- October 8, Monday 4PM (JHU) NOTE SPECIAL TIME!
Yuan Yuan (Syracuse)
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA - October 16
Dan Coman (Syracuse)
Title: Universality results for zeros of random holomorphic sections
Abstract: Consider a sequence of singular Hermitian holomorphic line bundles on a compact Kaehler manifold. We prove a universality result which shows that the asymptotic distribution of zeros of random holomorphic sections is independent of the choice of probability measure on the space of holomorphic sections. We give several applications of this result, in particular to the distribution of zeros of random polynomials. The results are joint with T. Bayraktar and G. Marinescu. - November 5, Monday (UMD, MTH 1313, 4:30 PM) NOTE SPECIAL ROOM AND TIME!
Bo Berndtsson (Chalmers)
Title: Distinguished Lecture Series in Geometric Analysis
Abstract: link. - November 27, Tuesday (UMD)
Chi Li (Purdue)
Title: On the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for singular Fano varieties
Abstract: I will talk about an existence result for the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture on any Q-factorial Fano variety that has a log smooth resolution of singularities such that discrepancies of all exceptional divisors are non-positive. We will show that if such a Fano variety is K-polystable, then it admits a Kahler-Einstein metric. This extends the previous existence result for Fano manifolds to this class of singular Fano varieties. The proof uses various techniques from complex geometry. This is a joint work with Gang Tian and Feng Wang - February 12, Tamas is away.
- March 1-3(JHU)
JAMI 2019 Conference: Geometric Analysis (In Honor of Bernie Shiffman)
Schedule of talks. - March 19, Spring break.
- April 4 (UMD, MTH 1311, 4:30 PM) NOTE SPECIAL ROOM AND TIME!
Steve Zelditch (Northwestern)
Title: Interfaces in Spectral Asymptotics
Abstract: Spectral asymptotics concerns the asymptotics of spectral projections kernels for some Hamiltonian, such as a Laplacian or Schrodinger operator in the real domain or a Toeplitz operator in the complex domain. The spectral projections are sums over eigenvalues in an interval. At the boundary of the interval they exhibit some kind of universal fall-off from 1 (inside the interval) and 0 outside, both in the spectrum and in phase space. I will survey some results on partial Bergman kernels in the complex domain and Wigner distributions in the real domain which show that the fall-off behavior is like the Gaussian error function in the complex case and Airy in the real case.
Driving directions to JHU: Park in South Garage (see map) on any level (except the reserved spaces). Take a ticket when entering. The Department will provide a visitor parking pass to use when exiting.
Driving and parking directions to UMD: Park in Paint Branch Drive Visitor Lot (highlighted in yellow in the lower right corner of the second map in the previous link), or in Regents Drive Garage (highlighted in the upper right corner). If you arrive after 4pm you do not need to pay: see the instructions in the previous link.