
I'm interested in geometry, low dimensional topology, and geometric group theory. My dissertation is on the Lp metrics on Teichmüller space. I gave a short talk on the beginnings of this work at the Redbud Topology conference in Spring of 2021, the video of the talk is here. I am also working on questions about Mapping Class Groups of surfaces of finite and infinite type, an analog of Out(F_n) for infinite, locally finite graphs, and free by cyclic groups. Recently, I have been expanding my knowledge of Polish groups and learning more about descriptive set theory.

While a master's student at Miami University I thought about Thompson's groups a lot, specifically the conjecture that Thompson's Group V is a universal coCF group. While advising a group of REU students as part of SUMSRI we proposed a potential counterexample to this conjecture.

Preprints and Publications

Complexity of Proper Homotopy Equivalence of Graphs. With J. Zomback. In preparation

Surfaces which are Proper Homotopy Equivalent to Graphs. With R. Dickman and S. Kwak. In preparation.

The Lp Metrics on Teichmüller Space. In preparation.

Generating Sets and Algebraic Properties of Pure Mapping Class Groups of Infinite Graphs. With G. Domat and S. Kwak. Submitted. ( arXiv )

The Automorphism Group of the Infinite-Rank Free Group is Coarsely Bounded. With G. Domat and S. Kwak. New York Journal of Math. ( arXiv )

Coarse Geometry of Pure Mapping Class Groups of Infinite Graphs. With G. Domat and S. Kwak. Advances in Math. ( arXiv )

Finding and Combining Indicable Subgroups of Big Mapping Class Groups. With C. Abbot, M. Loving, P. Patel, R. Skipper. Submitted. ( arXiv )

Groups with Context-Free Co-Word Problem and Embeddings into Thompson's Group V. With R. Berns-Zieve, D. Fry, J. Gillings, H. Matthews. Appears in the LMS Lecture Note Series: Topological Methods in Group Theory ( arXiv )