I'm interested in geometry, low dimensional topology, and geometric group theory. My dissertation is on the Lp metrics on Teichmüller space. I gave a short talk on the beginnings of this work at the Redbud Topology conference in Spring of 2021, the video of the talk is here. I am also working on questions about Mapping Class Groups of surfaces of finite and infinite type, an analog of Out(F_n) for infinite, locally finite graphs, and free by cyclic groups. Recently, I have been expanding my knowledge of Polish groups and learning more about descriptive set theory.
I will often joke that I am an "extra low" dimensional topologist because some of my favorite spaces are graphs (1-dimensional CW complexes), and Stone spaces, which are closed subsets of the Cantor set, and have zero topological dimension.
While a master's student at Miami University I thought about Thompson's groups a lot, specifically the conjecture that Thompson's Group V is a universal coCF group. While advising a group of REU students as part of SUMSRI we proposed a potential counterexample to this conjecture.![](images/CurvePinching.jpg)