Campus Athletics Governance, the Faculty Role: Principles, Proposed Rules, and Guidelines
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Guidelines Concerning the FAR Position
1. The position is defined by a written job description, which has been reviewed and approved by the President, in consultation with the CAB, FGB, and Athletics Director.
2. The position is comprehensive (see sample job descriptions on the FARA website, and in Appendix B of the Handbook).
3. The position carries financial support consistent with the job description. (This may include a stipend and/or release time for the FAR, clerical assistance, travel and other support.) This financial support comes from the general budget or other non-athletic source; it cannot come from the athletics department or athletics-based accounts.
4. Announcement of an appointment process to the CAB and FGB precedes nominations; appointment is made from nominations lists provided by the CAB and FGB.
5. The position includes membership on committees or other governance bodies that facilitate communication with such constituencies as: faculty governance; the athletic governance board; the athletic administration; athletes.
6. The position entails regular access to the President or Chancellor of the institution or campus.
Note: This document does not advocate term limits for FARs, favoring instead an NCAA bylaw mandating meaningful review procedures, involving faculty governance participation, prior to FAR reappointment, in order to ensure the independence and effectiveness of FARs. A bylaw mandating annual reports of faculty governance leaders to the NCAA concerning the faculty role in athletics governance will create an opportunity to confirm the integrity of reappointments.