Campus Athletics Governance, the Faculty Role:  Principles, Proposed Rules, and Guidelines

This document focuses on the faculty role in campus athletics governance.  It articulates a set of principles, proposes a set of uniform rules, and discusses in detail guidelines that, when adapted and applied by individual campuses, can help ensure the proper function of this faculty role.  In focusing on the faculty role, this document assumes the leading role of campus presidents, the ultimate authority of the institutional governing board, and practical centrality of athletics directors and coaches. 

The faculty role in campus athletics governance is generally exercised through three different organs:  the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR), the Campus Athletics Board (CAB), and the Faculty Governance Body (FGB), the last of which refers to the elected representative council of faculty that legislates all campus-level governance matters assigned to the campus faculty, often called the “Faculty Senate.”  This document is concerned with the nature and function of the FAR and CAB, and with those activities of the FGB that bear on athletics governance.


The document can be read through the links below, which represent an outline of its subjects and concerns.


SECTION 1:  The Nature and Role of the Faculty Athletics Representative

1.A  Principles of the FAR Position


1.B  Recommendations for Uniform Rules


1.C  Guidelines for Campus Consultation and Adaptation

Guidelines Concerning the FAR Position

Guidelines Concerning FAR Individuals

Guidelines Concerning FAR Functions

Related to Athletes       Related to Faculty        Related to Administrators        Related to Conferences & NCAA

SECTION 2:  The Nature and Role of the Campus Athletics Board

2.A  Principles of Campus Athletics Boards


2.B  Recommendations for Uniform Rules


2.C  Guidelines for Campus Consultation and Adaptation

Board Charge and Composition

Board Functions

Board Communications and Accountability

SECTION 3: The Role of the Faculty Governance Body

3.A  Recommendations for Uniform Rules


3.B  Guidelines for Campus Consultation and Adaptation