Campus Athletics Governance, the Faculty Role:  Principles, Proposed Rules, and Guidelines


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Guidelines Concerning FAR Individuals


1.  The FAR is a senior member of the faculty, preferably at the rank of full professor or senior librarian, and at tenure-granting institutions must be tenured.


2.  The FAR has experience in faculty leadership prior to accepting the position of FAR.


3.  The FAR has a campus reputation in a role unrelated to intercollegiate athletics, such as excellence in teaching, research, or prior administration, in order to enhance the visibility and effectiveness of the position.


4.  The FAR operates from an office that is located outside both the department of intercollegiate athletics and the academic athlete advisement center.


5.  The FAR must avoid both the reality and appearance of any conflict of interest, particularly in relationship to accepting perks or other fringe benefits.