Campus Athletics Governance, the Faculty Role:  Principles, Proposed Rules, and Guidelines


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3.B  Guidelines for Campus Consultation and Adaptation


The primary recommendations for FGB fulfillment of its athletics-related responsibilities are entailed in the guidelines for FARs and CABs.  Because the form of the FGB varies among campuses, in some cases it makes sense to consider making a committee of the FGB, such as an executive committee of FGB officers, the main contact group with FARs and CABs, so long as required reports are distributed as publicly as would be the case if delivered directly to the FGB.


Note that the following roles for the FGB have been specified earlier in the form of recommended uniform rules.


1.  The FGB is consulted in the appointment and review of FARs.


2.  The FGB is consulted in the appointment of faculty positions on the CAB.


In addition, the following guidelines are recommended, to be consulted and adapted by individual campuses according to specific campus conditions:


Concerning FARs


3.  Public announcements of FAR searches solicit statements of interest from individuals, to be submitted to a committee of the FGB, which forwards a stipulated number of nominees to the President; the President selects the appointee from among the names forwarded by the committee.


4.  The FGB participates in the policy decisions concerning term lengths for FARs.


5.  The FGB participates in the campus delineation of FAR responsibilities.


6.  The FGB periodically receives information from the FAR, specifying such matters as graduation rates for athletes and admissions statistics, including any special admits for athletes. 


7.  The FGB schedules a presentation on the status of campus and conference intercollegiate athletics matters by the FAR at least once each year.  The presentation may be made together with the chair of the CAB.


Concerning CABs


8.  The FGB elects members to the CAB or nominates a stipulated number of individuals for appointment to each faculty position on the CAB, from among which the President selects appointees.


9.  The FGB participates in or is responsible for developing the policies that govern the CAB.


10. The FGB schedules a presentation on the status of campus intercollegiate athletics programs by the chair of the CAB at least once each year.  The presentation may be made together with the FAR.


11. The faculty chair or president of the FGB consults regularly with the FAR and chair of the CAB to learn of issues that may be of concern to the faculty.


Concerning the President


12. The faculty leader of the FGB consults at least annually with the President concerning the success of the faculty in fulfilling its athletics governance responsibilities.