Stanford University
Department of Mathematics


Geometry Seminar Spring 2010

Organizers: Jacob Bernstein (jbern@math.*), Brian Clarke (bfclarke@*) and Yanir Rubinstein (yanir@math.*)

Time: Wednesdays at 4 PM

Location: 383N



Next Seminar

2 June

Speaker: Ben Weincove (UCSD)

Title: Contracting exceptional divisors by the Kahler-Ricci flow


We give a criterion under which a solution of the Kahler-Ricci flow contracts exceptional divisors on a compact manifold and can be uniquely continued on a new manifold. This is a joint work with Jian Song.

Spring Quarter

31 March (at 4:15pm)

Speaker: Jeff Viaclovsky (Wisconsin)

Title: Yamabe invariants and limits of self-dual hyperbolic monopole metrics (Note: Special Time)


Consider the self-dual conformal classes on n # CP^2 discovered by LeBrun. These depend upon a choice of n points in hyperbolic 3-space, called monopole points. I will discuss the limiting behavior of various constant scalar curvature metrics in these conformal classes as the points approach each other, or as the points tend to the boundary of hyperbolic space. There is a close connection to the orbifold Yamabe problem (which I will show is not always solvable, in contrast with the case for compact manifolds).

7 April

Speaker: Davi Maximo (Texas)

Title: Curvature conditions preserved (or not) under Ricci Flow


Ricci flow is a flow of Riemannian metrics designed to improve a given initial metric. In particular, if the initial metric satisfies some curvature condition, one wishes that its evolution will also satisfy the same, if not a better, condition. That indeed is always the case with many conditions (e.g. non-negative scalar curvature, non-negative isotropic curvature), but there are also conditions that might be lost along the flow (notably non-negative Ricci curvature). In this talk we will survey some of the conditions known to be preserved by Ricci flow and also construct a closed 4-dimensional manifold where the non-negative Ricci condition is not preserved.

14 April

Speaker: Brendan Guilfoyle (Institute of Technology, Tralee, Ireland)

Title: From Codazzi-Mainardi to Cauchy-Riemann


in this talk we discuss a co-dimension 2 initial boundary value problem in which one seeks to attach holomorphic discs to Lagrangian surfaces in a neutral Kaehler 4-manifold. In the case where the 4-manifold is the space of oriented affine lines of Euclidean 3-space, we show how mean curvature flow in the Kaehler manifold can be utilized to solve this problem with sufficient flexibility to imply a bound on a Keller-Maslov index along the boundary. This bound implies an index bound on isolated umbilic points on convex surfaces in Euclidean 3-space, thus establishing the Caratheodory conjecture on the minimum number of umbilic points on a closed convex surface.

21 April

Speaker: No Seminar



28 April

Speaker: Blake Temple (Davis)

Title: Self-similar Waves that Induce an Anomalous Acceleration into the Standard Model of Cosmology


In 1927, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble showed that the Universe is expanding: distant galaxies are receding at a rate proportional to their distance. This confirmed the so-called Standard Model of Cosmology , that the universe, on the largest scale, is evolving according to a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime. The starting assumption in this model is the Copernican Principle--that on the largest scale, we are not in a special place in the universe--that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic about every point like the FRW spacetime. In 1998, more accurate measurements of the recessional velocity of distant galaxies based on Type 1a supernova data, made the astounding discovery that the Universe is actually accelerating relative to the Standard Model. This is referred to as the Anomalous Acceleration of the galaxies, and its explanation is one of the great problems of physics. The only way to preserve the FRW framework and the Copernican Principle is to modify the Einstein equations by adding an artificial correction term called the Cosmological Constant. Dark Energy, the physical interpretation of the Cosmological Constant, is then an unknown source of anti-gravitation that, for the model to be correct, must account for some 70 percent of the energy density of the universe. This is stated as a fact on the NASA webpage. In this talk I discuss a new family of self-similar expanding wave solutions of the Einstein equations which author introduced with Joel Smoller in the recent August issue of PNAS. The family includes the Standard Model of Cosmology during the radiation phase of the expansion, but in addition there is an adjustable free parameter which, by adjustment, can speed up or slow down the expansion rate relative to the Standard Model. These self-similar waves would perturb a uniform background like waves emanating from a rock thrown into a still pond. Our purpose, then, is to explore the possibility that they could account for the Anomalous Acceleration of the galaxies within classical General Relativity, without Dark Energy or the Cosmological Constant.

5 May

Speaker: Fernando Marques (IMPA)

Title: Deformations of the hemisphere that increase scalar curvature


Let $(M^n,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold of scalar curvature at least $n(n-1)$ and totally geodesic boundary. A conjecture of Min-Oo asserts that if the boundary is isometric to a standard sphere of radius one, then $M$ is isometric to the hemisphere. In this talk we will describe the construction of counterexamples to Min-Oo's conjecture for all $n\geq 3$. This is joint work with Simon Brendle and Andre Neves.

Thursday 13 May (Note Special Date)

Speaker: Xiuxiong Chen (Wisconsin)

Title: The space of Kahler metrics


In this talk, we will discuss geometric structure in the infinite dimensional space of Kahler potentials. In particular, we will discuss recent progress in Kahler geometry (existence and uniqueness of extremal Kahler metrics where Kahler Einstein is a special case). Moreover, we will discuss some problems in Kahler geometry which might be useful to attack the existence problem of extremal Kahler metrics via deformation methods.

19 May (3:15PM) in 380F

Speaker: Dan Knopf (Texas)

Title: Ricci flow through singularities (Note: New time and location)


We construct smooth forward Ricci flow evolutions of singular initial metrics resulting from rotationally symmetric neckpinches, without performing an intervening surgery. In the restrictive context of rotational symmetry, this construction gives evidence in favor of Perelman's hope for a "canonically defined Ricci flow through singularities". We also provide the asymptotic profile of these solutions as they emerge from the singularity. (This is joint work with Sigurd Angenent and Cristina Caputo.)

19 May (4:15PM)

Speaker: Henry Wente (Toledo)

Title: Exotic Capillary Tubes (Note: New time)


In contrast to the standard capillary tube, an exotic capillary tube is a rotationally symmetric tube of variable cross-section which if positioned correctly in a vessel of fluid possesses a continuum of equilibrium configurations. The controlling variables are the capillary constant k = (rho)g/(sigma) and the contact angle (gamma). Lowering the tube slightly from its natural position causes the tube to completely fill up while raising the tube slightly forces the tube to drain out. Other surprising consequences follow.

26 May

Speaker: Joel Fish (Stanford)

Title: Generalizing and refining Gromov's compactness theorem for J-curves


In 1985, Gromov defined a J-curve to be a (pseudo) holomorphic map from a closed Riemann surface to an (almost) complex manifold, and he proved a notion of compactness for sequences of curves with uniformly bounded energy.  This talk will focus on a generalization of Gromov's result which holds locally in the target manifold, which allows the sequence of J-curves to have unbounded topology, and which regards J-curves as close relatives of minimal surfaces.

2 June

Speaker: Ben Weincove (UCSD)

Title: Contracting exceptional divisors by the Kahler-Ricci flow


We give a criterion under which a solution of the Kahler-Ricci flow contracts exceptional divisors on a compact manifold and can be uniquely continued on a new manifold. This is a joint work with Jian Song.

Fall Quarter

For the Winter 2010 Schedule go here
For the Fall 2009 Schedule go here