This workshop plans to critically examine swarm models in the face of data. Some of the questions we plan to discuss are:
What is the data situation for swarms - what data are available, what are the important questions for the experimentalists, how far have they been answered?
In what sense can we verify or falsify swarm models?
What are the observables that allow us to discriminate different swarm models to determine which one fits a particular scenario better?
When and it what sense can swarm models predict transient behavior?
We plan to bring together researchers in kinetic theory, mathematical modelers, physicists, social scientists and biologists, engineers and computer scientists that are interested in data driven models with predictive power.
We hope the workshop will help to focus this research community on future new directions that go beyond qualitative analogies to involve more quantifiable predictions.
CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTSName | Affiliation | Nicole Abaid | Virginia Tech | Martial Agueh | Georgia Tech | Abdulaziz Alsenafi | Case Western Reserve University | Gil Ariel | Bar Ilan University | Dieter Armbruster | Arizona State University | Aylin Aydogdu | Rutgers University - Camden | Alethea Barbaro | Case Western Reserve University | Jarrett Barber | Arizona State University | Tiziana Bartolini | New York University | Spring Berman | Arizona State University | Lance Boyer | University of Maryland | Daniel Brinkman | Arizona State University | Alena Chang | Arizona State University | Luis Cisneros | Arizona State University | Mario Coccia | Arizona State Univeristy | Audrey Dussutour | University of Toulouse III, CNRS | Karthik Elamvazhuthi | Arizona State University | Di Fang | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Zhengkai Feng | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Ruben Gameros | Arizona State University | Simon Garnier | NJIT and Rutgers University | Brady Gilg | Arizona State University | Janie Gong | Arizona State University | Anthony Helmstetter | Arizona State University | Reinhard Illner | University of Victoria, Canada | Shi Jin | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Matthias Kawski | Arizona State University | Yannis Kevrekidis | Princeton University | Nicolas Lanchier | Arizona State University | Pedro Lowenstein | University of Michigan School of Medicine | Richard Mann | ETH Zurich | Sébastien Motsch | Arizona State University | Rui Ni | Yale University | Joel Nishimura | Arizona State University | Nicholas T. Ouelette | Yale University | Theodore P. Pavlic | Arizona State University | Benedetto Piccoli | Rutgers University-Camden | Maurizio Porfiri | New York University | Nastassia Pouradier Duteil | Rutgers University (Camden) | Ragesh Kumar Ramachandran | Arizona State University | Christian Ringhofer | Arizona State University | Juan D. Rodriguez | University of Texas at Austin | William L. Romey | SUNY Potsdam | Subhradeep Roy | Virginia Tech | Zachary Shaffer | Arizona State University | Andrey Sokolov | Argonne National Lab | Eitan Tadmor | University of Maryland | Changhui Tan | Rice University | Jake Taylor-King | Oxford University | Andrea Thatcher | Arizona State University | Maria van Schaijik | Arizona State University | Sara I. Walker | Arizona State University | Sean Wilson | Arizona State University | Victor Yakovenko | University of Maryland | Gleb Zhelezov | University of Arizona |
FUNDINGA limited amount of travel and local lodging is available for researchers in the early stages of their career who want to attend the full program, especially for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTSASU Visitor Guide School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Physical Sciences Building A-Wing Arizona State University Tempe, AZEmail: armbruster@asu.edu CONFERENCE POSTER ![](../activities/poster/375ASU_Poster_2015.pdf.gif)
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Funding provided by the NSF through the KI-net Grant. |