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Forward and Inverse Problems in Kinetic Theory

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Young Researchers Workshop: Ki-Net 2012-2019

[Activity Website]

Pedro Aceves Sanchez
Fractional diffusion limit of a linear kinetic transport equation in a bounded domain

Antoine Diez
Derivation and geometrical aspects of multiscale models of body-attitude coordination

Theodore D. Drivas
Inviscid limit and 2d turbulence

Di Fang
Numerical study of the overdamped generalized Langevin equation with fractional noise

Gianluca Favre
Kinetic model with thermalization for a gas with total energy conservation

Amaury J. Hayat
Stabilization of 1-D hyperbolic systems on a bounded domain.

Siming He
Game of alignment: collective behavior of multi-species

Franca Hoffmann
Kalman-Wasserstein gradient flows

Trevor M. Leslie
Regularity and long-time behavior for hydrodynamic flocking models

Michael Lindsey
Toward sharp error analysis of extended Langrangian molecular dynamics for polarizable force field simulation

Angelika Manhart
Collective swimming through obstacles

Javier Morales
On the trend to global equilibrium for Kuramoto oscillators

Amir Sagiv
An optimal transport perspective on uncertainty quantification

Ruiwen Shu
Anticipation breeds alignment

Beatrice Signorello
The propagator norm of a (non symmetric, degenerate) linear Fokker-Planck equation

Susanne Solem
A second-order numerical method for the aggregation equations

Changhui Tan
Eulerian dynamics in multi-dimensions with radial symmetry

Xiaochuan Tian
Analysis and computation of nonlocal models

Pedro Vilanova
Information-based variational model reduction of high-dimensional reaction networks

Zhenfu Wang
Relative entropy method to the mean field limit problem

Franziska Weber
Numerical approximation of statistical solutions for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws

Ming Zhong
Data-driven discovery of emergent states in collective dynamics

Yuhua Zhu
A consensus-based global optimization method for high dimensional machine learning problems


Recent progress in analytical aspects of kinetic equations and related fluid models

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Formation of small scales in nonlinear PDEs

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Scott Armstrong
Variational methods for hypoelliptic equations

Margaret Beck
Rigorous Justification of Taylor Dispersion via Center Manifolds and Hypocoercivity

Theodore D. Drivas
The Navier-Stokes-End-Functionalized polymer system

Tarek Elgindi
Singularity formation in incompressible fluids

Siming He
Inviscid damping and enhanced dissipation of the boundary layer for 2D Navier-Stokes linearized around Couette flow in a channel

Alex Ionescu
Axi-symmetrization near point vortex solutions for the 2D Euler equation

Gautam Iyer
Dissipation Enhancement, Mixing, and Blow-up Suppression

Hao Jia
Linear inviscid damping in Gevrey spaces

Alex Kiselev
Small scale creation in solutions to modified SQG equations

Toan Nguyen
Landau damping for screened Vlasov-Poisson on the whole space

David Padilla Garza
Dimension reduction through Gamma-convergence in thin elastic sheets with thermal strain, with consequences for the design of controllable sheets

Samuel Punshon-Smith
Scalar turbulence in stochastic fluid dynamics

Sylvia Serfaty
Mean-Field limits for Coulomb-type dynamics

Robert M. Strain
Global mild solutions of the Landau and non-cutoff Boltzmann equation

Zhenfu Wang
Mean field limit and quantitative estimates with a large class of singular kernels

Weinan Wang
Persistence of regularity and long time behavior of solutions for the Boussinesq equations

Fei Wang
The inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes equations with data analytic only near the boundary

Franziska Weber
Relaxation to the quasi-static equilibrium in the Rosensweig model for ferrofluids

Yao Yao
Radial symmetry of stationary and uniformly-rotating solutions in 2D incompressible fluid equations


Dimension reduction in physical and data sciences

[Activity Website]

Radu Balan
Permutation Invariance and Combinatorial Optimizations with Graph Deep Learning

Massimo Fornasier
Training reliably shallow neural nets from fewest samples

Jiequn Han
A Mean-Field Optimal Control Formulation of Deep Learning

C. Dave Levermore
Reduction and Inflation of Linear Models with an Application to Moment Closures of the Linearized Boltzmann Equation

Xiantao Li
The Mori-Zwanzig reduction methods with applications to transport problems

Fei Lu
Inference based model reduction for stochastic Burgers equation

Mauro Maggioni
Learning Interaction kernels in agent-based systems

Sayan Mukherjee
Dimension Reduction in Dynamical Systems using Factor Models

Luc Rey-Bellet
Performance guarantees for hypo-coercive MCMC samplers

Eric Vanden-Eijnden
Global convergence in neural network optimization


Mathematical Aspects of Collective Dynamics:
Kinetic Description and Fractional Diffusion

[Activity Website]

Theodore D. Drivas
Compressible fluids, entropy hierarchies, and flocking

Trevor M. Leslie
Regularity and Long-Time Behavior for Hydrodynamic Flocking Models

Javier Morales
The synchronization problem for Kuramoto oscillators

Jan Peszek
Flocking with compactly supported communication

Ruiwen Shu
Flocking hydrodynamics with external potentials

Roman Shvydkoy
Alignment in Cucker-Smale dynamics on the circle

Changhui Tan
On Euler Alignment system with weakly singular interactions

Alexis F. Vasseur
De Giorgi holder regularity theory applied to kinetic-type equations

Alexander Vladimirsky
Anisotropic interactions in crowd dynamics


Multiscale Computations for Kinetic and Related Problems

[Activity Website]

Francis Filbet
Rigorous derivation of the nonlocal reaction-diffusion FitzHugh-Nagumo system

Rodney O. Fox
Hyperbolic Quadrature Method of Moments

Jingwei Hu
Asymptotic-preserving and positivity-preserving implicit-explicit schemes for the stiff BGK equation

Alexander Kurganov
Asymptotic preserving schemes for Euler equations of gas dynamics and shallow water equations with Coriolis forces

Doron Levy
Modeling the chemotherapy-induced selection of drug-resistant traits during tumor growth

Liu Liu
Asymptotic analyses for the study of asymptotic-preserving schemes for two-species collisional plasma with disparate masses

Jianfeng Lu
Efficient algorithms for multiscale kinetic equations based on random sampling

Maria Lukacova
Convergence analysis of compressible flows: asymptotic presering error estimates

Lorenzo Pareschi
Multiscale control variate methods for kinetic equations with random inputs

Jingmei Qiu
High Order Semi-implicit IMEX WENO Scheme for the Euler System with All-Mach Number

Ruiwen Shu
A second-order asymptotic-preserving and positivity-preserving exponential Range-Kutta method for a class of stiff kinetic equations

Henning Struchtrup
Grad’s Method of Moments, and Beyond

Li Wang
Asymptotic preserving scheme for nonlinear grey radiative transfer equation

Yuhua Zhu
The Vlasov Fokker Planck Equation with High Dimensional Parametric Forcing Term


Young Researchers Workshop: Kinetic descriptions in theory and applications

[Activity Website]

Purba Chatterjee
Three-body interactions drive the transition to polar order in a simple flocking model

Katy Craig
Aggregation diffusion to constrained interaction: minimizers and gradient flows in the slow diffusion limit

Antonio De Rosa
Anisotropic counterpart of Allard’s rectifiability theorem and applications

Nicolas Garcia Trillos
Gradient flows of Wasserstein spaces on random geometric graphs and their continuum limits

Yu Gu
Kinetic limits of random Schrodinger equation

Siming He
Suppression of blow-up in Patlak-Keller-Segel via fluid flows

Franca Hoffmann
Reverse Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities

Hui Huang
Self-organized dynamics in bounded domains

Qin Li
Low rankness in forward and inverse kinetic theory

Yulong Lu
Scaling limit analysis of Stein variational gradient descent

Sébastien Motsch
Kinetic equations and self-organized band formations

Matt Novack
The inviscid 3D quasi-geostrophic system on bounded domains

Jan Peszek
Flocking with compactly supported communication

David Poyato
Filippov trajectories and measure-valued solutions in the Kuramoto model with Hebbian singular couplings

Hong-Yan Shih
Statistical mechanics of the laminar-turbulent phase transition and the connection to directed percolation

Ruiwen Shu
Hydrodynamic flocking model with external potential forcing

Telma Silva
Mathematical modeling and computational simulations of a chronic inflammatory disease

Changhui Tan
On the Euler-Alignment system

Matthew Thorpe
Discrete-to-continuum limits of p-Laplacian regularization in semi supervised learning on graphs

Christopher K. Tokita
Social interactions can drive emergent behavioral diversity and modular social network structure

Soledad Villar
Quadratic assignment, semidefinite programming, and graph neural networks.

Zhenfu Wang
On the uniqueness of the homogeneous relativistic Landau equation

Franziska Weber
A sufficient condition for the Kolmogorov 4/5 law for stationary martingale solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations

Yunan Yang
Optimal transport base approaches for nonlinear seismic inverse problems

Ming Zhong
Learning physics from observation


Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Quantum Dynamics

[Activity Website]

Thomas Barthel
Evolution of quantum many-body systems using tensor network states

Victor Batista
Tensor-Train Split-Operator Fourier Transform (TT-SOFT) method: multidimensional nonadiabatic quantum dynamics  

Thomas Chen
Dynamics of a heavy quantum tracer particle in a Bose gas

Giovanni Ciccotti
Nuclear quantum effects in electronic (non)adiabatic dynamics 

Gero Friesecke
New optimal control problems for quantum systems

Mohammed Lemou
A micro-macro numercial method solving a multi-scale model for graphene

Yvon Maday
How to make continuum solvation incredibly fast in a few simple steps

Thomas Markland
Accurate nonadiabatic quantum dynamics on the cheap using master equations

Thomas F. Miller
New methods for the quantum simulation of biological and inorganic catalysts

Israel Michael Sigal
On effective equations of quantum physics

Christof Sparber
Averaging of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with strong confinement and rotation

Joseph Subotnik
Understanding nonadiabatic interactions at a metal surface: Surface Hopping and Electronic Friction

Lexing Ying
Interpolative decomposition and its applications in Quantum Chemistry


Transport and localization in random media: theory and applications

[Activity Website]

Scott Armstrong
Homogenization and regularity for nonlinear elliptic equations

Guillaume Bal
Topological protection of perturbed edge states

Liliana Borcea
Wave propagation in random waveguides with turning points

Maury Bramson
Majority vote processes on trees

Josselin Garnier
Speckle intensity imaging in random media

Peter Hislop
Localization and spectral statistics for Schr\

Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Arithmetic transitions in transport and localization for quasi-periodic operators

Jianfeng Lu
Optimal artificial boundary condition for random elliptic media

Jonathan Mattingly
Ergodicity of Singular SPDEs

James Nolen
A variance lower bound for the effective conductivity in random homogenization

George Papanicolaou
Imaging in Random Media

Lenya Ryzhik
The random heat equation in dimensions three and higher

Sylvia Serfaty
Mean-Field Limits for Ginzburg--Landau vortices and related problem

Thomas Spencer
Two Classical models of Quantum Dynamics

Simone Warzel
Localization-delocalization transitions in random matrix models: a SPDE approach


Kinetic and related models with applications in the natural sciences

[Activity Website]

David Anderson
Stochastic reaction networks and their qualitative behavior

Luca Biferale

Stanislav Boldyrev
Puzzles in the theory of magnetic turbulence

Gheorghe Craciun
Chemical reaction networks, mass-action kinetics, and the Boltzmann equation

Massimiliano G. Esposito
Thermodynamics of open chemical reaction networks: Energy and information transduction in biology

Sebastien Galtier
Turbulence of weak gravitational waves and cosmology

Irene M. Gamba
The Cauchy problem and BEC stability for the quantum Boltzmann-Gross-Pitaevskii system

Shi Jin
On kinetic equations with random uncertainties

Markos Katsoulakis
Model-Form Uncertainty Quantification for Probabilistic Graphical Models

Chanwoo Kim
Field-Boundary Interactions in the Kinetic theory

Qin Li
Low rankness in forward and inverse kinetic theory

Chun Liu
General Diffusion in Biological Environments

Liu Liu
Sensitivity Analysis and Spectral Convergence of the Stochastic Galerkin Approximation to Collisional Kinetic Equations with Multiple Scales and Random Inputs

Yuri V. Lvov
Internal Waves in the Ocean - what we know, and what we don't.

Sergey Nazarenko
Evolving turbulence spectra en route to the Kolmogorov spectrum

Alan Newell
A brief overview of why and when the wave turbulence closure works.

Casian Pantea
Effective deficiency, and parametrizations of positive equilibria for generalized mass action systems

Petr Plechac
Approximation of quantum observables by ab initio molecular dynamics

Anne Shiu
Bistability and oscillations in mass-action kinetics systems arising in biology

Minh Binh Tran
On the wave turbulence theory for stratified flows in the ocean

Adrian Tudorascu
Chemical reaction-diffusion networks: convergence of the method of lines

Enrique Zuazua
Long time horizons and turnpike properties


Young Researchers Workshop: Kinetic models in biology and social sciences

[Activity Website]

Emeric Bouin
Hypocoercivity without confinement

Antonio De Rosa
Stability and regularity of optimal paths in branched transport

Lee Ellison
Detecting the transition from kinetics to hydrodynamics using manifold learning

Quentin Griette
Studying the spread of evolving diseases : traveling waves and pulsating fronts

Jeff Haack
A Conservative, Entropic Multispecies BGK Model

Siming He
Suppression of blow-up in Patlak-Keller-Segel via shear flows

Maxime Herda
Asymptotic behaviors of the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck equation

Moon-Jin Kang
On the hydrodynamic limit of Vlasov-type equations in a regime of strong local alignment

Kirk Kayser
Kinetic models of binary welfare

Stephan Knapp
A pedestrian flow model with stochastic velocities: microscopic and macroscopic approaches

Liu Liu
Hypocoercivity based Sensitivity Analysis and Stochastic Galerkin Approximation to Collisional Kinetic Equations with Multiple Scales and Random Inputs

Javier Morales
The synchronization problem for Kuramoto oscillators and beyond

Nastassia Pouradier Duteil
Sparse control of Hegselmann-Krause models: Black hole and declustering

Ruiwen Shu
A study of Landau damping with random initial inputs

Changhui Tan
Asymptotic preserving schemes on kinetic models with singular limits

Maja Taskovic
Exponential tails for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation

Chuntian Wang
Stochastic-statistical modeling of criminal behavior

Ewelina Zatorska
On the pressureless damped Euler-Poisson equations with non-local forces: Critical thresholds and large-time behavior


Young Researchers Workshop: Current trends in kinetic theory

[Activity Website]

Maxime Breden
Moments estimates for the discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations with diffusion

Antonio De Rosa
Stability of optimal paths in branched transport

Tomasz Debiec
Energy conservation for the Euler-Korteweg equations

Theodore D. Drivas
An Onsager singularity theorem for the compressible Euler equations

Di Fang
A diabatic surface hopping algorithm based on time perturbation theory and semiclassical analysis

Luc Grosheintz-Laval
High-order well-balanced FVM for Euler equations with gravity

Siming He
Suppression of blow-up in chemotaxis through fluid flow

Franca Hoffmann
Equilibria of diffusing and self-attracting particles

Lei Li
Compactness and weak solutions of time fractional PDEs

Kjetil Olsen Lye
Computing statistical solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws

Javier Morales
Least action principles with applications to gradient flows and kinetic equations

Sébastien Motsch
Tumor growth: from agent-based model to free-boundary problem

Francesco S. Patacchini
A regularized particle method for linear and nonlinear diffusion

David Poyato
Exploring a first order hydrodynamic limit of the kinetic Cucker–Smale model with singular influence function

Subash K. Ray
Brainless intelligence: the curious case of acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum

Kyle R. Steffen
Network modeling and analysis of sea ice permeability

Changhui Tan
Kinetic swarming models and hydrodynamic limits

Xiaochuan Tian
Nonlocal models with a finite range of nonlocal interactions

Claudia Totzeck
Consensus-based global optimization

Alexander Watson
Wave-packet dynamics in locally periodic media with a focus on the effects of Bloch band degeneracies

Yuhua Zhu
Sensitivity analysis and uniform regularity for the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system with uncertainty and multiple scales


Hypocoercivity and Sensitivity Analysis in Kinetic Equations and Uncertainty Quantification

[Activity Website]

Kinetic Equations: Modeling, Analysis and Numerics

[Activity Website]

Jingwei Hu
Asymptotic-preserving and positivity-preserving implicit-explicit schemes for the stiff BGK equation


Recent Advances on Particle Systems in Kinetic Theory

[Activity Website]

Niclas Bernhoff
Nonlinear boundary layers for discrete kinetic models


Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Topologically Protected States

[Activity Website]

Boris Altshuler
Localization at the Edge of 2D Topological Insulator by Kondo Impurities

Andrea Alu
Topological photonics and phononics based on momentum bias and nonlinearities

Juerg M. Froehlich
Chiral anomaly, topological field theory and topological states of matter

Gian Michele Graf
Bulk-edge correspondence in the presence of a mobility gap

Shi Jin
Semiclassical computational methods for quantum dynamics with band-crossing

Alexander Khanikaev
Robust guiding and control of light and sound in photonic and acoustic metamaterials

Michal Lipson
Novel Materials for Next Generation Photonic Devices

Terry A. Loring
K -theory via the emergent topology of insulators

Mitchell Luskin
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Incommensurate 2D Materials

Emil Prodan
On the Bulk-Boundary Correspondence Principle for Aperiodic Systems: A K-Theoretic Formulation

Mikael C. Rechtsman
Aspects of topological photonics in two and three dimensions

Marin Soljacic
Novel topological phenomena in photonics

David Vanderbilt
Adiabatic cycles, topological transitions, and the Chern-Simons axion coupling

Michael I. Weinstein
The one-electron model of graphene-like materials


Selected topics in transport phenomena: deterministic and probabilistic aspects

[Activity Website]

Jacob Bedrossian
Landau damping and nonlinear echoes

René Carmona
Mean Field Games: theory and applications

Sandra Cerrai
Large deviations for nonlinear SPDEs with vanishing noise correlation

Alina Chertock
Numerical methods for hyperbolic systems of PDEs with uncertainties 

Michele Coti Zelati
Stochastic perturbations of passive scalars and small noise inviscid limits

François Delarue
Fluctuations and deviations in mean field games

Mark I. Freidlin
Asymptotic problems for PDE's and a motion on the simplex of invariant measures

Benjamin Gess
Well-posedness and regularization by noise for scalar conservation laws

Martina Hofmanova
Stationary solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes system driven by stochastic forces

Gautam Iyer
Anomalous diffusion in passive scalar transport

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Critical non Sobolev regularity for continuity equations with rough force fields

Arnulf Jentzen
On numerical approximation algorithms for high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs, nonlinear SDEs, and high-dimensional nonlinear FBSDEs

Jianfeng Lu
Stochastic algorithms for high dimensional transport systems

Maria Lukacova
Convergence of a mixed finite element-finite volume scheme for the compressible Navier-Stokes system via dissipative measure-valued solutions

Anna Mazzucato
Loss of regularity in transport equations

Christian Seis
Optimal stability estimates for continuity equations

Roman Shvydkoy
Fractional parabolic models arising in flocking dynamics and fluids

Eric Vanden-Eijnden
Spatiotemporal self-organization of fluctuating bacterial colonies

Li Wang
Uniform regularity for linear kinetic equations with random input based on hypocoercivity


Collective dynamics, control and imaging

[Activity Website]

Georges Bastin
Stability and boundary stabilization of physical networks represented by 1-D hyperbolic balance laws

Peter Benner
Model order reduction for networked control systems

José A. Carrillo
Swarming models with local alignment effects: phase transition & hydrodynamics

Pierre Degond
Coarse-graining of collective dynamics models

Ronald DeVore
Parameter estimation for elliptic problems

Florian Dörfler
Almost global synchronization in complex oscillator networks with applications in power system

Massimo Fornasier
Learning and sparse control of multiagent systems

Josselin Garnier
Stability of mean field model for opinion dynamics and collective motion

Ron Kimmel
Invariants and representation spaces for shapes and forms

Sebastian Kozerke
Beyond Nyquist – accelerating magnetic resonance imaging

Otmar Scherzer
Mathematical imaging with optical coherence tomography and photoacoustics

Rodolphe Sepulchre
Excitable behaviors


Kinetic Descriptions of Chemical and Biological Systems:

[Activity Website]

Alethea Barbaro
Phase transition in a model for territorial development

Eli Ben-Naim
Escape and finite-size scaling in diffusion-controlled annihilation

Pierre Degond
Coarse-graining of collective dynamics models: A model for local body alignment

James W. Evans
Non-equilibrium correlations in interacting-particle reaction-diffusion models with inhibited

Seung-Yeal Ha
Review on the progress of the classical and quantum synchronization

Michael Herty
Model-Predicitive Control Strategies for Agent-Based Systems

Ioan Kosztin
Simultaneous determination of the free energy profile and effective dynamics along a reaction coordinate

Yongki Lee
Blow-up conditions for two dimensional modified Euler-Poisson equations

Bo Li
Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation of the Growth of Bacterial Colony with Cell-Cell Mechanical Interactions

Hailiang Liu
On selection dynamics with nonlocal competition

Di Liu
Analysis and simulation of multiscale stochastic intracellular bio-chemical reacting networks

Da-Jiang Liu
Modeling of Fronts and Patterns at the Atomic level for Surface Reactions

Christian Ringhofer
Asymptotically preserving numerical methods for large reaction diffusion systems with applications to solar cell design

Changhui Tan
Asymptotic preserving schemes on kinetic models with singular limits

Alex Travesset
Self-assembly and dynamics in nanoparticle superlattices

Zhongming Wang
A free energy satisfying discontinuous Galerkin method for one-dimensional Poisson--Nernst--Planck systems

Hui Yu
Boundary interaction of the Vicsek model and its hydrodynamic model

Gleb Zhelezov
Applications of Coalescing Interacting Particles to Chemotaxis Models


Dynamics and geometry from high dimensional data

[Activity Website]

Antonin Chambolle
A convex representation for curvature-dependent contour energies

Frederic Chazal
Subsampling Methods for Persistent Homology

Jerome Darbon
On convex finite-dimensional variational methods in imaging sciences, and Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Massimo Fornasier
Learning and Sparse Control of Multiagent Systems

Nathan Kutz
Data-driven discovery of dynamical systems in the engineering, physical and biological sciences

Gilad Lerman
A Well-Tempered Landscape for Non-convex Robust Subspace Recovery

Jianfeng Lu
Path-integral molecular dynamics with surface hopping: High dimensional sampling with diffusion and jumps

Mauro Maggioni
Geometric Methods for the Approximation of High-dimensional Dynamical Systems

Facundo Memoli
Persistent Homology of Asymmetric Networks

Sébastien Motsch
Tumor growth: from agent-based model to free-boundary problem

Aaditya Ramdas
Universality of Mallows’ and degeneracy of Kendall’s kernels for rankings

Daniel Sanz-Alonso
The role of dimension, order, and regularity in the learning of PDE inputs

Christof Schutte
Finding Reaction Coordinates in Molecular Dynamics

Andrew Stuart
Uncertainty Quantification in the Classification of High Dimensional Data

Giang Tran
Learning governing equations from multiple samples using sparsity

Eric Vanden-Eijnden
Markov state models for data assimilation and interpretation

Rachel Ward
Extracting governing equations in chaotic systems from highly corrupted data

Larry Wasserman
Statistical Estimation of Manifolds and Ridges

Rujie Yin
Convolution framelets: coupling local and nonlocal representations


Young Researchers Workshop: Stochastic and deterministic methods in kinetic theory

[Activity Website]

Sona Akopian
From Boltzmann to Landau: convergence of solutions and propagation of integrability in the Coulomb case

Zhenning Cai
The surface hopping Gaussian beam method and the application in mixed quantum-classical dynamics

Lihui Chai
Semiclassical limit of the Schrödinger-Poisson-Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert system

Helge Dietert
Landau damping to partially locked states in the Kuramoto model

Chenjie Fan
Log-log blow up solutions of NLS at exactly m points

Yuwei Fan
On the stability of the moment models for kinetic equation

Amic Frouvelle
Stability of dirac masses for simple alignment processes on the sphere

Jingwei Hu
A stochastic Galerkin method for the Boltzmann equation with high dimensional random inputs using sparse grids

Moon-Jin Kang
On kinetic Cucker-Smale flocking models with a strong local alignment force

Lei Li
A definition of fractional calculus and basic properties of fractional ODEs

Christian B. Mendl
Matrix-valued quantum Boltzmann methods

Nastassia Pouradier Duteil
Control of reaction-diffusion equations on time-evolving manifolds

Lee Ricketson
Sparse grid techniques for particle-in-cell simulations

Scott Smith
The Boltzmann equation with stochastic kinetic tranport

Changhui Tan
Global regularity for the fractional Euler alignment system

Maja Taskovic
Exponential moments for the homogeneous Kac equation

Chong Wang
On the modeling of a ternary inhibitory system

Zhenfu Wang
Mean field limit for stochastic particle systems with singular forces

Alexander Watson
Dynamics of wavepackets in spatially inhomogeneous crystals by multi-scale analysis

Xiaoqian Xu
Suppression of chemotactic explosion by mixing

Bokai Yan
A uniformly efficient method for spatial inhomogeneous plasma

Yao Yao
Long time behavior of solutions to the 2D Keller-Segel equation with degenerate diffusion

Cheng Yu
Energy conservation for the weak solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations

Yong Zhang
Accurate and efficient computation of nonlocal potentials based on Gaussian-sum approximation

Jia Zhao
Modeling and simulation of active liquid crystals with applications in cell mitosis

Zhennan Zhou
Towards a mathematical understanding of surface hopping algorithms


Transport phenomena in collective dynamics: from micro to social hydrodynamics

[Activity Website]

Yann Brenier
Emergence of collective dynamics from a purely stochastic origin

José A. Carrillo
Hydrodynamic Models with Attractive-Repulsive and Alignment Effects

Alina Chertock
Asymptotic Preserving Simulations for Kinetic Models of Chemotaxis

Rinaldo Colombo
NonLocal Balance Laws in the Modeling of Collective Phenomena

Maria Colombo
Nonlocal-to-local limit of conservation laws

Iain Couzin
Collective Sensing and Decision-Making in Animal Groups: From Fish Schools to Primate Societies

Camillo De Lellis
The Onsager's Theorem

Guido De Philippis
BV estimates in Optimal Transport and and applications to crowd motion

Pierre Degond
Metric versus topologic interactions

Qiang Du
Nonlocal models with a finite range of nonlocal interactions

Alessio Figalli
The parabolic fractional obstacle problem

Francis Filbet
Modelling and particle methods for collision avoidance models

François Golse
On the mean-field and semi-classical limit of the quantum N-body problem.

Dan Gorbonos
Swarming Using Adaptive Long-range Interactions

Ilya Karlin
The fittest survive: Adaptive lattice Boltzmann models for fluid dynamics

Govind Menon
Kinetic models for grain boundary coarsening

Sara Merino Aceituno
A new flocking model through body attitude coordination

Sébastien Motsch
Emergence of flocking and consensus

Lorenzo Pareschi
Numerical methods for kinetic equations of emerging collective phenomena

Laure Saint-Raymond
Motion of a big particle in a rarefied gas close to equilibrium

Alexander I. Shnirelman
On the collective dynamics of a vortices in 2-dimensional hydrodynamics

Alexis F. Vasseur
Recent results on the 3D quasi-geostrophic equation

Yao Yao
Long time behavior of solutions to the 2D Keller-Segel equation with degenerate diffusion


Mean-field modeling and multiscale methods for complex physical and biological systems

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New Trends in Quantum and Classical Kinetic Equations and Related PDEs

[Activity Website]

Jerry Bona
Ill-posedness Results for Model Equations for Water Waves

Luis Caffarelli
Non local models for the porous media equation

Hongqiu Chen
Higher order nonlinear dispersive equation on a quarter plane

Alina Chertock
An Asymptotic Preserving Scheme for Kinetic Chemotaxis Models in Two Space Dimensions

Wilfrid Gangbo
Paths of minimal lengths on the set of exact differential k–forms

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Global weak solutions of PDEs for compressible media

Christian Klein
Numerical study of break-up in Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations

Alexander Kurganov
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Systems of PDEs with Uncertainties

Jian-Guo Liu
Least action, incompressible flow, and optimal transportation

Christian Ringhofer
Kinetic Models for Differential Games

Athanasios E. Tzavaras
Relative entropy for the Euler-Korteweg system


Summer School on Quantum and Kinetic Theory for Complex Systems

[Activity Website]

Eric Cances
Density Functional Theory: models and numerical methods


Mixing and Mixtures in Geo- and Biophysical Flows: A Focus on Mathematical Theory and Numerical Methods

[Activity Website]

Sona Akopian
Convergence of solutions from Boltzmann to Landau homogeneous equations

David Ambrose
Convergence of a boundary integral method for 3D interfacial flow with surface tension

Jacob Bedrossian
Mixing and dissipation in fluids

Gianluca Crippa
Exponential self-similar mixing by incompressible flows

David Gerard-Varet
Synchronization in the Kuramoto model

Matthieu Hillairet
Analysis of Stokes-Brinkman problem

Moon-Jin Kang
On contraction of large perturbation of shock waves, and inviscid limit problems

David Lannes
Vorticity in shallow water flows: from wave current interactions to turbulent bores

Josef Málek
Activated fluids: continuum description, analysis and computational results

Debanjana Mitra
Control of compressible Navier-Stokes system

Julien Olivier
Bridging the meso and macro scale to test a behavioral scenario for soft glasses

Michael Renardy
Modeling thixotropic yield stress fluids as a limit of viscoelasticity

Changhui Tan
On aggregation equations with alignment

Giordano Tierra
Numerical methods for solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation and its applicability to mixtures of nematic-isotropic flows with anchoring effects

Vlad Vicol
Inviscid limits for a stochastically forced shell model of turbulent flow

Jean-Paul Vila
2D versus 1D models for thin film flows

Ewelina Zatorska
Traffic congestion modelled by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations

Christian Zillinger
On circular flows: linear stability and damping

Andrej Zlatoš
Growth and singularity in 2D fluids


Mathematical and Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry

[Activity Website]

Eric Cances
A mathematical formulation of the GW method

Qiang Cui
Hybird QM/MM methods for biophysics and solid/liquid interfaces

George A. Hagedorn
A Numerical Algorithm for Semiclassical Dynamics in Several Space Dimensions

Michael Herman
An Approximate Semiclassical Method that Uses Real Valued Trajectories for Time Dependent Tunneling Calculations

Shi Jin
Semiclassical computational methods for quantum dynamics with band-crossing

Yosuke Kanai
Numerical implementation and application of real-time TDDFT in large-scale simulations

Xiantao Li
Atom relaxations in the electron-structure calculation

Lin Lin
Adaptively compressed exchange operator

Jian Liu
A novel quantum dynamics method for thermal correlation functions

Jianfeng Lu
Towards a mathematical understanding of surface hopping algorithms

Nancy Makri
Classical vs. Quantum Decoherence and the Quantum-Classical Path Integral

Qian Niu
Semiclassical electron dynamics in crystals

Oleg Prezhdo
Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics with Time-Domain Density Functional Theory

Prashant Rai
Low Rank Approximation-Based Quadrature for Fast Evaluation of Quantum Chemistry Integrals

Sihong Shao
A Computable Branching Random Walk for the Wigner Quantum Dynamics

Joseph Subotnik
A Mixed Quantum-Classical View of Surface Hopping

Chao Yang
Fast Algorithm for Estimating Absorption Spectrum in Linear Response TDDFT

Aihui Zhou
A Parallel Orbital-updating Approach for Electronic Structure Calculations

Zhennan Zhou
Bloch dynamics with second order Berry phase correction


Boundary Value Problems and Multiscale Coupling Methods for Kinetic Equations

[Activity Website]

Kazuo Aoki
Decay of a linear oscillator in a rarefied gas: Spatially one-dimensional case

Yingda Cheng
A Sparse Grid Discontinuous Galerkin Method for High-Dimensional Transport Equations

Pierre Degond
Models of Collective Dynamics with complex orientation mechanisms

Francis Filbet
On the Vlasov-Poisson system with a strong external magnetic field

Mohammed Lemou

Tai-Ping Liu
Invariant Manifolds for Stationary Boltzmann Equation and Applications

Jianfeng Lu
Solving linear half-space kinetic equations with general boundary conditions

Shigeru Takata
Some results on the effects of boundary geometry in rarefied gases

Min Tang
Uniform Convergent Numerical Method for the Linear Transport Equation Valid Up to the Boundaries and Interfaces

Tong Yang
Exterior Problem for the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann Equations


Advances in kinetic and fluid dynamics transport: Analysis and approximations

[Activity Website]

Modeling, analysis, computation and application of kinetic equations

[Activity Website]

José A. Carrillo
Swarming models with repulsive-attractive effects

Yingda Cheng
Sparse grid discontinuous Galerkin schemes for high-dimensional PDEs

Francis Filbet
Asymptotically stable particle-in-cell methods for the Vlasov-Poisson system with a strong external magnetic field

Alexis F. Vasseur
Holder regularity for hypoelliptic kinetic equations with rough diffusion coefficients

Lei Wu
Hydrodynamic limit with geometric correction in kinetic equations

Bokai Yan
Accelerating the simulation of collisional plasma by using deviational particles

Yao Yao
Long time behavior of solutions to the 2D Keller-Segel equation with degenerate diffusion

Xinghui Zhong
Energy-conserving solvers for Vlasov-type systems


Collective Dynamics in Biological and Social Systems

[Activity Website]

Jacob Bedrossian
Scaling and criticality in variants of the Patlak-Keller-Segel system

Razvan Fetecau
The complexities of a simple first-order aggregation model

Francis Filbet
Numerical simulations of kinetic models for chemotaxis

Jingwei Hu
Asymptotic-preserving stochastic Galerkin schemes for the Boltzmann equation with uncertainty

Alexander Kurganov
Adaptive moving-mesh (AMM) methods for chemotaxis systems

Doron Levy
Modeling Selective Local Interactions with Memory

Alexander Lorz
Population dynamics and therapeutic resistance: mathematical models

Mauro Maggioni
Geometric methods for learning reduced models for high-dimensional stochastic systems

Nader Masmoudi
Stability of infinite time aggregation for the critical Patlak-Keller-Segel model in 2 dimension

Sébastien Motsch
Self-alignment driven by jump processes: macroscopic limit and numerical investigation

Robert Pego
Euler sprays and optimal transportation

Nancy Rodriguez
Periodic cycles of social outbursts

Martin Short
The game of crime: How societies "choose" their crime level

Dejan Slepcev
Nonlocal interaction equations: phenomena and structures

Yi Sun
Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Multicellular Aggregate Self-assembly in Biofabrication

Eitan Tadmor
A new paradigm for collective dynamics: the emergence of leaders

Qi Wang
Models for active matter and their applications to cell motility

Li Wang
Efficient numerical schemes for multiscale crowd dynamics with emotional contagion

Xu Yang
Pathway-based mean-field models for E. coli chemotaxis

Yuan Zhang
Convergence of Stochastic Interacting Particle Systems in Probability under a Sobolev Norm


Young Researchers Workshop: Kinetic theory with applications in physical sciences

[Activity Website]

Jacob Bedrossian
Stability and subcritical transition in the 3D Couette flow

Zhenning Cai
Moment methods and adaptive spectral methods in the gas kinetic theory

Michele Coti Zelati
Enhanced dissipation and hypoellipticity in shear flows

Tarek Elgindi
Towards non-uniqueness for vortex sheets

Jeff Haack
Building a better BGK

Chengyun Hua
Advances in thermal phonon transport modeling based on the multidimensional frequency-dependent Boltzmann equation

Hui Huang
Error estimate of a random particle blob method for the Keller-Segel equation

Lise-Marie Imbert-Gerard
Waves in plasmas, models and more

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Weak solutions for compresssible Navier-Stokes equations: thermodynamically unstable pressure and anisotropic viscous stress tensor

Kerstin Kuepper
Two-level sampling strategies for hyperbolic systems with relaxation

Matt Landreman
Numerical computation of the distribution function in a stellarator

Alejandro López Ortega
Anomalous transport in Hall Effect Thrusters: from a kinetic approach to engineering models

Sara Merino Aceituno
Anomalous energy transport in one-dimensional crystals

Jose A. Morales Escalante
Boundary conditions effects in Discontinuous Galerkin solvers for Boltzmann-Poisson models of electron transport

Seyma N. Ozcan
A new asymptotic preserving scheme for kinetic chemotaxis models

Lee Ricketson
Mutlilevel Monte Carlo for the kinetic equations of plasmas and rarefied gases

Matthias Schlottbom
On Galerkin schemes for time-dependent radiative transfer

Kelly Stephani
Assessment of continuum breakdown in multi-scale, multi-physics flows from generalized Chapman-Enskog theory

Maja Taskovic
Exponential tail behavior for solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation

Ian Tobasco
The Parisi variational problem

Mark Wilkinson
On the Boltzmann equation for non-spherical particles

Lei Wu
Geometric correction for diffusive expansion of neutron transport equation

Bokai Yan
A hybrid method with deviational particles for spatial inhomogeneous plasma

Cheng Yu
Existence of global weak solutions for 3D degenerate compressible Navier-Stokes equations

Jia Zhao
A multiphasic complex fluids model for cytokinesis of eukaryotes.


Analysis and Computation in Kinetic Theory

[Activity Website]

Scalable methods for kinetic equations

[Activity Website]

Numerical and Multiscale issues for Partial and Integral Differential Equations

[Activity Website]

Recent Progress in Collisionless Models

[Activity Website]

Groups and interactions in data, networks and biology

[Activity Website]

Mikhail Belkin
Learning a Hidden Basis through Imperfect Measurements: Why and How

Andrea Bertozzi
Geometric graph-based methods for high dimensional data

Alfred M. Bruckstein
From Ants to A(ge)nts

Nicolas Garcia Trillos
Consistency of Cheeger and ratio graph cuts

Wenjing Liao
A multiscale adaptive learning algorithm for high-dimensional data

Jian-Guo Liu
Particle, kinetic, and hydrodynamic models of swarming and network traffic models

Jianfeng Lu
Crystal image analysis using synchrosqueezed transform and variational approach

Mauro Maggioni
Geometric Methods for the Approximation of High-dimensional Dynamical Systems

Georgi Medvedev
Dynamical systems on dense graphs and graph limits

Cristopher Moore
Physics-inspired algorithms and phase transitions in static and dynamic community detection

Mason Porter
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match: Migration of Populations via Marriages in the Past

Nastassia Pouradier Duteil
Optimal control of a collective migration model

Amit Singer
Beyond Scalar Affinities for Network Analysis

Eitan Tadmor
Taking tendency into account: a new paradigm for collective dynamics

Florian Theil
Variational methods for geometric statistical inference problems

James H. von Brecht
Co-dimension One Motion and Assembly


Conference-Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

[Activity Website]

Spring School on Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

[Activity Website]

Asymptotic Preserving and Multiscale Methods for Kinetic and Hyperbolic Problems

[Activity Website]

christophe berthon
An asymptotic preserving and well-balanced scheme for a chemotaxis model

Alina Chertock
Asymptotic preserving simulations of kinetic systems for chemotaxis

Frederic Coquel
Entropic sub-cell shock capturing schemes via Jin-Xin relaxation and Glimm front sampling

Pierre Degond
Asymptotic-Preserving schemes for complex fluids

Francis Filbet

Thierry Goudon
Some problems and simulation methods motivated by the modeling of particles laden flows

Song Jiang
An asymptotic preserving unified gas kinetic scheme for grey radiative transfer equations

Alexander Kurganov
Steady State and Sign Preserving Semi-Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential Equations with Stiff Damping Term

Mohammed Lemou
A class of numerical schemes for kinetic equations in the anomalous diffusion scaling

Jian-Guo Liu
Multi-scale hyperbolic relaxation system, kinetic-fluid domain coupling, and singular limit analysis

Sebastian Noelle
Asymptotic preserving numerical schemes for singular hyperbolic PDE's

Giovanni Russo
Semi-implicit IMEX schemes for evolutionary partial differential equations

Nicolas Seguin
Boundaries and interfaces in asymptotics from hyperbolic systems

Bokai Yan
Monte Carlo methods with negative particles


Collective dynamics and model verification: Connecting kinetic modeling to data

[Activity Website]

Nicole Abaid
Bat swarms and the role of active sensing: models and experimental framework

Gil Ariel
Multiscale dynamics of marching locust swarms

Alethea Barbaro
Modeling fish migration with an interacting particle model

Tiziana Bartolini
Fish ‘n’ Robots: not a take-out food

Spring Berman
Continuum Abstractions for Scalable Control of Robotic Swarms with Minimal Capabilities and Information

Audrey Dussutour
Moving in the crowd : Ants hold the key to traffic chaos

Karthik Elamvazhuthi
Control of Stochastic Behaviors in Robotic Swarms using PDE Models

Simon Garnier
Decision-making without a brain: the case of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum

Reinhard Illner
Marketing on Populations modelled as random graphs

Shi Jin
Uncertainty quantification for multiscale hyperbolic and kinetic equations with uncertain coefficients

Yannis Kevrekidis
Equation-free and Variable-free computations for agent based/complex system models

Pedro Lowenstein
Towards understanding glioma growth patterns: is glioma migration stochastic or deterministic

Richard Mann
The big statistical problems in collective behaviour

Nicholas T. Ouelette
Driving and Response in Insect Swarms

Theodore P. Pavlic
Kinetic modeling of collective behavior: When a good match goes bad

Maurizio Porfiri
Modeling the zebrafish animal model

Nastassia Pouradier Duteil
Optimal control of a collective migration model

Juan D. Rodriguez
Limits of stochastic binary interactions on a dense graph

William L. Romey
Whirligig Beetles vs. Swarm Models: Perturb and Measure Emergent Properties

Subhradeep Roy
Consensus and synchronization over biologically-inspired networks: from collaboration to antagonism

Andrey Sokolov
Underlying physics of collective motion in bacterial suspensions

Eitan Tadmor
Collective dynamics with tendency: the emergence of leaders

Andrea Thatcher
Scattering of flocks for an attraction-repulsion model

Sean Wilson
Design of ant-inspired stochastic control strategies for boundary coverage and collective transport by robotic swarms

Victor Yakovenko
Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, Debt, and Energy Consumption


Uncertainty quantification in kinetic and hyperbolic problems

[Activity Website]

Tim Barth
Combined Uncertainty and A-Posteriori Error Bound Estimates for General CFD Calculations

Bruno Despres
uncertainty propagation with intrusive kinetic methods for conservation laws

Richard P. Dwight
Predictive turbulence closures with Bayesian model-scenario averaging

Max Gunzburger
Multilveve Monte Carlo and Stochastic Collocation Methods

Jingwei Hu
A stochastic Galerkin method for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with uncertainty

Mohammad Motamed
Uncertainty quantification for high frequency waves

Christoph Schwab
Multilevel Monte-Carlo FV and FT Methods for hyperbolic PDEs with random input data

Chi-Wang Shu
High order DG and WENO methods for correlated random walk with density-dependent turning rates

Clayton Webster
Quasi-optimal methods for deterministic and stochastic parameterized PDEs

Dongbin Xiu
Local polynomial chaos expansion for high dimensional stochastic PDE


Young Researchers Workshop:
Multiscale phenomena: modeling, analysis and computation

[Activity Website]

Graham Alldredge
A Discontinuous Galerkin implementation of the entropy-based moment closure for linear kinetic equations

Juan Calvo
Macroscopic limits and asymptotic behavior of some kinetic models in astrophysics and biology

Jingrun Chen
Spin-polarized transport in ferromagnetic materials

Young-Pil Choi
Global classical solutions for coupled fluid equations

Kyudong Choi
On the finite-time blowup of a 1D model for the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations/ the 2D Boussinesq system

Tarek Elgindi
Some recent results on singular transport equations

Ulrik S. Fjordholm
Computing measure-valued solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws

Yoonsang Lee
Multi-scale methods for data assimilation in turbulent systems

Qin Li
Spectral method for half-space kinetic equation

Jinyeong Park
Practical synchronization of Kuramoto system with an intrinsic dynamics

Lee Ricketson
Multilevel methods for the kinetic equations of plasma dynamics

Ian Tobasco
Energy scaling laws for an axially compressed thin elastic cylinder

Magali Tournus
How does the flagellum affect bacterial swimming?

Vlad Vicol
Holder continuous solutions of active scalar equations

Jinhuan Wang
The existence and uniqueness to a degenerate Keller-Segel system

Li Wang
Asymptotic-Preserving schemes for the semiconductor Boltzmann equation with two-scale collisions

Franziska Weber
Brinkman regularization of two-phase flows in porous media

Lijiang Wu
Nonlocal interaction equations in heterogenous environment with boundary

Xiaoqian Xu
Mixing of passive scalars advected by incompressible enstrophy-constrained flows

Bokai Yan
A Monte Carlo method with negative particles for general binary collisions and application to Coulomb collisions

Cheng Yu
Existence of global weak solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density dependent viscosity

Jia Zhao
Mathematical modeling and simulations of cell mitosis by a phase field approach

Gleb Zhelezov
Coalescing diffusion in the Keller-Segel model

Zhennan Zhou
On the classical limit of a time-dependent self-consistent field system: analysis and computation


Modeling and Control in Social Dynamics

[Activity Website]

Dieter Armbruster
Market modeling: Agent based simulations and their kinetic description

Igor Aronson
Instabilities and collective motion in suspensions of bacteria

Nicola Bellomo
Kinetic Theory and Stochastic Differential Games Toward a Systems Sociology Approach

Eli Ben-Naim
Sports Leagues and Competitive Societies

Marco Caponigro
Modeling and control of opinion formation

Magnus Egerstedt
Eulerian Swarms

Gadi Fibich
Is adoption of new products affected by the social network? Mathematical Marketing and Agent-Based approaches

Massimo Fornasier
Sparse mean field optimal control

Rainer Hegselmann
Radical Groups, Dogmatists, and Charismatic Leaders A Simple Unifying Modeling Approach

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Well posedness for new pedestrian models

Naomi E. Leonard
Decision-Making and Leadership in Noisy Networks

Benedetto Piccoli
Nonlinear transport models with sources for social dynamics

Christian Ringhofer
Wealth evolution in spatially structured economies driven by local Nash equilibria with risk averse trading strategies

Nancy Rodriguez
On a stochastic non-local model for civil unrest

Juan Soler
Kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions in social dynamics

Eitan Tadmor
Analysis of agent-based social dynamics: local vs. global models, spectral analysis vs. energy method

Changhui Tan
Flocking dynamics in different scales

Andrea Tosin
Generalized Kinetic Equations and Stochastic Game Theory for Social Systems

Magali Tournus
How does the flagellum affect bacterial swimming?

Victor Yakovenko
Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, Debt, and Energy Consumption


Collective Behavior: Macroscopic versus Kinetic Descriptions

[Activity Website]

Adrien Blanchet
Cournot-Nash equilibria

Vincent Calvez
Travelling waves for kinetic equations issued from biology

Young-Pil Choi
On the analysis of a coupled kinetic-fluid model

Ron DeVore
Sampling and Computation in High Dimensions

Raluca Eftimie
Bifurcation dynamics in nonlocal hyperbolic models for self-organised aggregations

Amit Einav
On Chaotic States in Kac’s Model

Bjorn Engquist
Coupling particle, kinetic and fluid models by HMM

Yekaterina Epshteyn
A Theory and Challenges for Coarsening in Microstructure

Irene M. Gamba
Conservative numerical schemes for non-linear kinetic equations

Alexander Gorban
Invariant manifolds and hydrodynamic limit in kinetics

Piotr Gwiazda
Polymeric fluids

Yanghong Huang
A Finite-Volume Method for Nonlinear Nonlocal Equations with a Gradient Flow Structure

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Asymptotic behavior in opinion formation and rating systems

Ansgar Jüngel
Analysis of cross-diffusion models for multi-species systems: How entropy can help

Axel Klar
Mean field hierarchies for interacting particle systems: Numerical methods and applications

Alexander Kurganov
Pedestrian Flow Models with Slowndown Interactions

Hailiang Liu
Structure Preserving Methods for Fokker-Planck-type Equations

Philip K. Maini
Modelling collective cell migration in biology

Stephan Martin
On the analysis of coherent patterns in swarming models

Sébastien Motsch
Emergence of flocking and consensus

Benoît Perthame
Conservation laws with rough fluxes and kinetic formulation

Christian Ringhofer
Wealth evolution in spatially structured economies driven by local Nash equilibria with risk averse trading strategies

Endre Süli
Existence of global weak solutions to implicitly constituted kinetic models of incompressible homogeneous dilute polymers

Changhui Tan
Global classical solution and long time behavior of macroscopic flocking models

Guy Theraulaz
From individual to collective information processing in fish schools

Giuseppe Toscani
Wealth distribution and collective knowledge. A Boltzmann approach.

Jonathan Touboul
Macroscopic activity of spatially extended networks with singular multi-scale connectivity patterns: limits and noise-induced transitions


Dynamics and Numerics for Non-local PDEs and Related Equations in the Physical and Biological Sciences

[Activity Website]

Jian-Guo Liu
Self-organized alignment dynamics: phase transitions and mean-field games

Robert Pego
Dynamics and renormalization in models of coagulation and branching


Kinetics, non standard diffusions and stochastics: emerging challenges in the sciences

[Activity Website]

Modern Perspectives in Applied Mathematics: Theory and Numerics of PDEs

[Activity Website]

Saul Abarbanel
The role of "pseudo-plane-waves" in advected acoustics under non-uniform conditions

Claude W. Bardos
Asymptotic behavior and scattering for solutions of the Boltzmann equation near global Maxwellian

José A. Carrillo
Macroscopic and kinetic equations with repulsion-attraction mechanisms: a review

Tony F. Chan
Image denoising using mean curvature of image surface

Gui-Qiang G. Chen
Multidimensional shock waves and free boundary problems

Alexandre Chorin
Computing with uncertainty

Albert Cohen
Estimating the n-width of solution manifolds of parametric PDE’s

Peter Constantin
Lagrangian goodies: analyticity and uniqueness

Pierre Degond
Interplay between kinetic theory and game theory

Bjorn Engquist
Wasserstein metric and Texas oil

Irene M. Gamba
Convergence rates for the Boltzmann equation for Coulombic interactions to Landau equation: analysis and simulations

François Golse
A derivation of models for spray flows

Thomas Y. Hou
Recent progress on the search of 3D Euler singularities

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Regularity estimates for transport equations through "dual norms"

Shi Jin
Semiclassical computational methods for quantum dynamics with band-crossing

Peter Lax
John von Neumann: The Early Years, The Years at Los Alamos and the Road to Computing

C. Dave Levermore
Global Maxwellians over all space and their relation to conserved quantities of classical kinetic equations

Pierre-Louis Lions
On mean field games

Jian-Guo Liu
An analysis of merging-splitting group dynamics by Bernstein function theory

Helena J. Lopes
Boundary correctors and energy estimates for the boundary layer problem

Andrew Majda
Applied math perspectives on stochastic climate models

Siddhartha Mishra
Entropy and efficient numerical schemes for conservation laws

Stanley Osher
What sparsity and L1 optimization can do for you

Chi-Wang Shu
Positivity-preserving high order schemes for convection dominated equations

Joel Smoller
Existence of magnetic compressible fluid stars

Endre Süli
Existence of global weak solutions to Navier-Stokes-Fokker-Planck systems

Tao Tang
Hermite spectral methods and discrete least square projection with random evaluations

Blake Temple
A wave mechanism for the anomalous acceleration without dark energy

Edriss S. Titi
Finite number of determining parameters for the Navier-Stokes equations with applications into feedback control and data assimilation

Athanasios E. Tzavaras
The relative entropy method in hyperbolic and diffusive systems


Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Complex Quantum Systems

[Activity Website]

Weizhu Bao
Multiscale methods and analysis for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime

Yongyong Cai
Dipolar Gross-Pitaevskii equation in lower dimensions

Eric Cances
Numerical methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising in quantum physics and chemistry

Tucker Carrington
Solving the Schroedinger equation using Smolyak interpolants

Jingrun Chen
Towards a unified macroscopic description of exciton diffusion in organic semiconductors

Carlos J. García-Cervera
Spin-polarized transport in ferromagnetic multilayers

George A. Hagedorn
The Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation and Non-Adiabatic Transitions

Clemens Heitzinger
Transport equations for confined structures derived from the Boltzmann equation

Leland J. Jefferis
Computing high frequency solutions of symmetric hyperbolic systems with polarized waves

Shi Jin
Semiclassical Computational Methods for Quantum Dynamics with Band-crossings

Kay Kirkpatrick
Bose Einstein condensation, the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and a central limit theorem

Caroline Lasser
The multivariate Hermite-Laguerre connection

Mathieu Lewin
Dispersive effects in infinite quantum systems

Qin Li
Semi-classical limit for the Schroedinger equation with lattice potential and band-crossing

Lin Lin
A posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods using non-polynomial basis functions with applications to Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculation

Jianfeng Lu
Orbital free density functional theory of out-of-plane charge screening in graphene

Dionisios Margetis
Bose-Einstein Condensation: Recent progress and challenges

Florian Mehats
Dimension reduction for anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates in the strong interaction regime

Jose A. Morales Escalante
Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Methods for Full Band Boltzmann - Poisson (BP) models of Electronic Transport in Semiconductors using Empirical Pseudopotential Methods (EPM)

Tomoki Ohsawa
The Geometry and Symmetry of Semiclassical Wave Packet Dynamics

Olivier Pinaud
On the moment problem for quantum hydrodynamics

Maksym Pryporov
Gaussian Beam Methods For Symmetric Strongly Hyperbolic Systems

Stefan Teufel
Semiclassical approximations to quantum mechanical equilibrium distributions

Haobin Wang
The Multilayer Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree Theory

Yingwei Wang
Efficient spectral Galerkin methods for electronic structure calculations

Weitao Yang
Fractional Perspectives of DFT and Exchange-Correlation Energies/Electronic Excitation Energies from Pairing Matrix Fluctuations

Xu Yang
Frozen Gaussian approximation for wave propagation in periodic media

Zhennan Zhou
Numerical approximation of the Schrodinger equation with the electromagnetic field by the Hagedorn wave packets

Paul Zimmerman
Chemical Dimensions of Quantum Dynamics


Young Researchers Workshop:
Kinetic and macroscopic models for complex systems

[Activity Website]

Ricardo J. Alonso
Viscoelastic granular materials: Intermediate Gaussian asymptotic state, exponential lower bounds and propagation of regularity

Daniel Balagué
Stability analysis of rings for 2nd order models in swarming

Jacob Bedrossian
Inviscid damping and the asymptotic stability of planar shear flows

Raul Borsche
Interaction of pedestrian motion and traffic networks

Maria Bruna
Excluded-volume effects in stochastic models of diffusion

Yongyong Cai
Error analysis of energy stable scheme for phase-field model

José Alfredo Cañizo
The diffusive aggregation equation

Simon Garnier
Ant wuz here! Following the trail of recent ant network research

Jeff Haack
Numerical computation of the Boltzmann equation with singular intermolecular potentials and multi species, multi-energy level gases

Qin Li
Exponential asymptotic preserving scheme for the Boltzmann equation and related

Stephan Martin
Averaged energy dynamics for linear FPEs under periodic friction and noise

Tran Minh-Binh
Convergence to equilibrium of some kinetic models

Sébastien Motsch

Anamika Pandey
Meshfree particle method for fluctuating hydrodynamic

Diane Peurichard
Modelling adipose tissue homeostasis

Amélie Rambaud
Derivation of turbulent Shallow Water type models: a general framework

Thomas Rey
Moment realizability-based numerical method for multi-scale kinetic equations

Nancy Rodriguez
Understanding the Effects of Location on Segregation: A PDE approach

Jesús Rosado Linares
Effects of emotion in swarming dynamics

Sarthok Sircar
Multi-scale modeling in particle aggregation and ionic biogels

Weiran Sun
Matching Boundary Conditions for Moment Systems

Changhui Tan
Multi-scale representations of flocking models and critical thresholds for the hydrodynamics

Li Wang
Contagion shocks in one dimension

Yao Yao
Enhancement of biological reaction by chemotaxis


Summer School on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Quantum Dynamics

[Activity Website]

PRIMA2013 Special Session on Kinetic Equations

[Activity Website]

Quantum Systems: A Mathematical Journey from Few to Many Particles

[Activity Website]

Weizhu Bao
Ground states and dynamics of the nonlinear Schrodinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equations

Claude Bardos
Hamiltonian propagation of monokinetic measures with rough momentum profiles

Yongyong Cai
Dipolar Gross-Pitaevskii equation in lower dimensions

Thomas Chen
Mean field limits for interacting Bose gases and the Cauchy problem for Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchies

François Golse
Hamiltonian propagation of monokinetic measures with rough momentum profiles

Qin Li
Wigner transformation approach to surface hopping problem

Lin Lin
Kantorovich dual solution for strictly correlated electrons in atoms and molecules

Hailiang Liu
On a model of the Kompaneets equation and Bose-Einstein condensation

Jianfeng Lu
Time reversible Born Oppenheimer molecular dynamics

Dionisios Margetis
Bose-Einstein condensation: Bound states with periodic microstructure

Lorenzo Pareschi
Asymptotic preserving schemes for collisional kinetic equations

Peter Smereka
The Gaussian wave packet transform: Efficient computation of the semi-classical limit of the Schroedinger equation

Avy Soffer
Hydrodynamic theory of tunneling in quantum mechanics and beyond

Christof Sparber
On Wigner and Bohmian measures in semi-classical quantum dynamics

Alexis F. Vasseur
Relative entropy applied to the study of stability of shocks for conservation laws, and application to asymptotic analysis

Michael I. Weinstein
Linear and nonlinear waves in honeycomb structures

Xu Yang
Quantum, kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions on spin transfer torque


Kinetic and hydrodynamic PDE-based descriptions of multi-scale phenomena

[Activity Website]

James W. Evans
From stochastic molecular-level reaction-diffusion models to conventional and generalized hydrodynamic reaction-diffusion equations

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Hydrodynamic limit of granular gases to pressureless Euler in dimension 1

Juhi Jang
Fokker-Planck equation with absorbing boundary condition

Yongki Lee
286 A class of nonlocal conservation laws: local wellposedness and sub-thresholds for finite time shock formation

Tong Li
Global Dynamics of Chemotaxis Models

Hailiang Liu

Ronghua Pan
Compressible Navier-Stokes equations with temperature dependent dissipation

Robert Pego
Dynamic scaling for kinetic clustering models that govern critical branching processes

Thomas Rey
Hydrodynamic Limit of the Granular Gases Equation

Peter Smereka
Inability of Continuum Theory to Evaluate the Elastic Energy of Alloys

Shankar Subramaniam
Kinetic theory of gas-solid flow based on microscale simulation: a route towards describing multiscale phenomena

Changhui Tan
Hierarchical construction of bounded solutions of divU=F in critical regularity spaces

Alexis F. Vasseur
Relative entropy, stability of shocks for conservation laws, and applications to asymptotic limits


Workshop on Kinetic PDEs: Analysis and Computation

[Activity Website]

Kinetic theory for the emergence of complex behavior in social and economic systems

[Activity Website]

Athena Aktipis
Decentralized sharing norms for managing risk in uncertain environments

Benjamin Armbruster
Network Dynamics: From HIV Simulations to Mean Field Models

Ron Askin
An Optimization and Agent-Based Socio-Technical Modeling Approach for Engineered Complex Adaptive Systems

Robert L. Axtell
Firm Dynamics Driven by Job-to-Job Flows (of Workers)

Dirk Brockmann
Modelling global disease dynamics

William Griffin
Missing Determinants of Social Dynamics in Kinetic Models of Behavioral Systems.

Nicolas Lanchier
Fluctuation and fixation in the one-dimensional Axelrod model

C. Dave Levermore
Kinetic Theory Approaches to Large Systems

C. Dave Levermore
Modeling Portfolios Containing Risky Assets

Hailiang Liu
Entropy satisfying methods for Fokker-Planck-type equations

Edward MacKerrow
Modeling Crop Choice of Subsistence Farmers in Afghanistan

Sébastien Motsch
Kinetic theory for collective displacements

Theodore P. Pavlic
Stochastic Robotics: Complexity, Compositionality, and Scalability

Ravi Srinivasan
Kinetic models in information percolation and mean-field games

Milind Tambe

Bernt Wennberg
The N-player War of Attrition in the Limit of Infinitely Many Players


Winter School: An introduction to kinetic models in the emergence of complex behavior in social and economic systems

[Activity Website]

Vladislav Panferov
Models of collective behavior and synchronization


Transport Models for Collective Dynamics in Biological Systems

[Activity Website]

Thomas Banks
Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Human Lymphocyte Proliferation Using CFSE Data

Eshel Ben-Jacob
Multiscale biocybernetics during collective cellular navigation from bacterial to cancer

David Cai
Generation, Adaptation, and Optimization of Biological Transport Networks

Pierre Degond
Pedestrian macroscopic models: game-theoretical versus mechanistic viewpoints

Marco Di Francesco
Nonlocal transport vs nonlinear diffusion: from particle description to large time asymptotics

Francis Filbet
Numerical simulation of collective dynamics in a complex geometry

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Particles' method for porous medium equation

Alexander Kurganov
Numerical Methods for Chemotaxis and Related Models

Jian-Guo Liu
Phase transitions for self-organized dynamics and sweeping networks

Hailiang Liu
Entropy satisfying methods for Fokker-Planck-type equations

Yuan Lou
Evolutionarily stable dispersal strategies in heterogeneous environments

Nader Masmoudi
Existence, Uniqueness and Lipschitz Dependence for Patlak-Keller-Segel with Measure-valued Initial Data

Sébastien Motsch
Traffic models for pedestrian and their comparison with experimental data

Hans G. Othmer
Multiscale Analysis in Biology - Successes and Open Problems

Benoît Perthame
Kinetic models of chemotaxis and traveling bands

Adi Shklarsh
Complex Collective Navigation in Bacteria-Inspired Models

Min Tang
Derivation of macroscopic models from the kinetic chemotaxi model incorporating E.coli chemo-sensory system

Qi Wang
Analysis and simulation of active liquid crystals using both kinetic and continuum models


Kinetic Description of Social Dynamics: From Consensus to Flocking

[Activity Website]

Gil Ariel
Bacteria Collective Swarming and Navigation

Dieter Armbruster
Agent based simulations for Chip sales to High-End Gamers

Alethea Barbaro
Socially interacting agents: passage from the mesoscopic to the macroscopic scale

Nicola Bellomo
On the dynamics of social conflicts: welfare analysis looking for the Black Swan

Eshel Ben-Jacob
Bacterial swarming logistics and cancer navigation strategies

Eli Ben-Naim
Opinion Dynamics: Rise and Fall of Political Parties

José A. Carrillo de la Plata
Stability of Stationary States for Repulsive-Attractive Potentials

Alina Chertock
Macroscopic Pedestrian and Traffic Flow Models: Derivation and Numerics

Fabio Fagnani
Heterogeneity, minorities, and leaders in opinion formation

Amic Frouvelle
Different types of phase transition for a simple model of alignment of oriented particles.

Irene M. Gamba
Some simple kinetic models of information-exchange processes

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Continuous models for rating systems and their long time behavior

Trygve K. Karper
Existence of weak solutions and hydrodynamic limit of kinetic flocking models

C. Dave Levermore
Coarsening of Particle Systems

Ming C. Lin
Virtual Cityscapes: Challenges, Recent Advances, and Opportunities

Sébastien Motsch
Kinetic and fluid models for self-organized dynamics

Derek A. Paley
Motion coordination and information transmission in bio-groups: From mating mosquitoes to frightened fish

Benedetto Piccoli
Sparse control for groups on the move

Maria E. Schonbek
Fokker Planck and neuroscience

Eitan Tadmor
Consensus and flocking and heterophilious self-alignment in agent-based models

Ilya Timofeyev
Derivation of coarse-grained models from microscopic CA models of traffic flows


2012 Young Researchers Workshop:
Kinetic Description of Multiscale Phenomena

[Activity Website]

Graham Alldredge
Optimization Methods for Entropy-based Closures in Slab Geometry

Ricardo J. Alonso
A mesoscopic scale, particle interaction model for simulation of biological fiber networks.

Claude Bardos
A Vlasov Equation with Dirac Potential Used in Fusion Plasmas

Yongyong Cai
Uniform error estimates of numerical methods for NLSW

Yingda Cheng
Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Vlasov-Maxwell System

Shumo Cui
Application of Deterministic Particle Methods to PDEs Arising in Financial Modeling

Shijin Deng
Bifurcation on boundary data for linear Broadwell model with conservative boundary

Laurent Desvillettes
Recent results for coagulation-fragmentation-diffusion equations

Michael D. Graham
Segregation phenomena in flowing suspensions of deformable particles: toward an understanding of cell and particle dynamics in blood flow

Jeff Haack
Conservative Spectral Methods for the Inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation

Jingwei Hu
A fast algorithm for the energy space boson Boltzmann collision operator

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Continuous models for rating systems and their long time behavior

Trygve K. Karper
Existence of weak solutions and hydrodynamic limit of kinetic flocking models

Qin Li
semiclassical limit of Schrodinger equation with periodic potential, and band-crossing

Lin Lin
Correlated proton tunneling in ice

Sébastien Motsch
From microscopic to macroscopic models in self-organized dynamics

Stephen Pankavich
Classical Solutions for the Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell-Fokker-Planck system

Jingmei Qiu
High order time integrators for singular perturbation problems

Thomas Rey
Fluid Approximations of the Linearized Granular Gases Operator

Changhui Tan
Critical thresholds on compressible Euler dynamics with nonlocal viscosity

Bokai Yan
A successive penalty--based Asymptotic-Preserving scheme for kinetic equations

Xu Yang
Frozen Gaussian approximation for high frequency wave propagation

Hui Yu

Chenglong Zhang
Computations on the spectral gap for the linearized Boltzmann operator


KI-Net Organizational Meeting

[Activity Website]

Victor Batista
Contribution of Yale node to KI-net

Mark F. Castillo
Administrative aspects of the RNMS project.

Alina Chertock
NCSU Node: Current and Future Research

Cory Hauck
Simulations on and Simulation of Large Scale Computing Platforms

Hailiang Liu
Highlights of kinetic research at the Iowa State University

Dionisios Margetis
Some problems of quantum field theory

Vladislav Panferov
Kinetic and continuum descriptions for dynamics of self-propelled particles

Benedetto Piccoli
Modeling and control of large groups on the move

Christian Ringhofer
Applications of kinetic theory to flows on networks

Eitan Tadmor
KI-net activities at CSCAMM Hub