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KI-Net Conference Announcement

Advances in kinetic and fluid dynamics transport: Analysis and approximations

Feb 22 - 26, 2016

ICES, UT-Austin
University of Texas-Austin

ICES, UT Visitor Guide



The focus of this workshop is at the heart of kinetic and fluid transport modeling. These problems, all from  from non-linear theory, encompass both Partial and Integral Differential Equations in a subtle way. The goal is to bring together a state of the arts discussion  on topics raging from  recent advances on initial and boundary value problems associated with collisional theory, plasma and radiated transport, their associated to macroscopic approximations and fluid dynamics descriptions, to the actual standing analytical and computational issues for these models.   This forum will focus on a balance and interplay between theory, numerics, and applications.

This event is dedicated to Claude Bardos for his impact in mathematics and sciences.

Conference  website and program



Our goal is to bring together applied and  numerical analysts as well as computational scientists.

The activity is sponsored by the RNMS: Kinetic description of emerging challenges in multi-scale problems of natural Sciences (Ki-Net) and  by The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at UT Austin.




Ricardo J. AlonsoPUC Rio
Kazuo AokiKyoto University
Claude W. BardosUniversity of Paris 7
Jacob BedrossianUniversity of Maryland
Juan M. Bello-RivasUniversity of Texas at Austin
Alexander BobylevKarlstad University/KIAM RAS
Yann BrenierÉcole Polytechnique
Russel CaflischUCLA
Peter ConstantinPrinceton University
Constantine DafermosBrown University
Ryan DenlingerNew York University
Alessio FigalliUniversity of Texas at Austin
Irene M. GambaUniversity of Texas at Austin
Roland GlowinskiUniversity of Houston
François GolseÉcole Polytechnique
Yan GuoBrown University
Michael HarmonICES
Pierre-Emmanuel JabinUniversity of Maryland
Rohit JainUT Austin
Ning JiangWuhan University
Moon-Jin KangUniversity of Texas at Austin
Sam G. KrupaUniversity of Texas at Austin
Sanghyun LeeUniversity of Texas at Austin
C. Dave LevermoreUniversity of Maryland
Hanqing LuUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Tina MaiTexas A&M University and University of Minnesota
Nader MasmoudiNew York University
Cecilia MondainiTexas A&M University
Jose A. Morales EscalanteTU Wien (Technical University of Vienna)
Phil MorrisonUniversity of Texas-Austin
Toan NguyenPenn State University
Takaaki NishidaKyoto University
Dongjuan NIUCapital Normal University
Anne NouriAix-Marseille Université
Matt NovackUT - Austin
Clark PennieUniversity of Texas
Oliver Pironneaul'Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Irina PotapenkoKeldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow
Juan D. RodriguezUniversity of Texas at Austin
Laure Saint-RaymondÉcole Normale Supérieure
Remi SentisCEA, France
Ruiwen ShuUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Logan StokolsUT Austin
Anna SzczekutowiczUniversity of Texas at Austin
Eitan TadmorUniversity of Maryland
Maja TaskovicUniversity of Pennsylvania
Mohamed L. TAYEBUniversity El-Manar, Tunis-Tunisia
Xiaochuan TianColumbia University
Edriss S. TitiThe Weizmann Institute and Texas A&M
Minh Binh TranUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Alexis F. VasseurUniversity of Texas at Austin
Fei WangUniversity of Southern California
Yijing WuUT Austin
Yunan YangUT Austin
Hui Yuthe University of Texas at Austin
Cheng YuUniversity of Texas at Austin


A limited amount of travel and local lodging is available for researchers in the early stages of their career who want to attend the full program, especially for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.


ICES, UT Visitor Guide

ICES, UT-Austin (ICES, UT)
Peter O'Donnell Jr Bldg., 201 E 24th Street
Austin, TX



Funding provided by the NSF through the KI-net Grant.