Kinetic and hydrodynamic PDE-based descriptions of multi-scale phenomena
Apr 27 - 28, 2013Iowa State University |
ABSTRACTThis special session of the AMS meeting in Iowa State University will focus on topics of current interest in PDEs which arise in the context of kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions in physics, biology and social sciences. Particular emphasis will be given to analysis of PDEs addressing multi-scale phenomena through different levels of modeling. Issues include critical threshold phenomena, high frequency waves, dynamics and equilibrium in complex systems and PDEs which arise from agent-based models in self-organized dynamics. REGISTRATION CLOSEDORGANIZERS |
CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTSFUNDINGA limited amount of travel and local lodging is available for researchers in the early stages of their career who want to attend the full program, especially for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTSDepartment of Mathematics396 Carver Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA Email: CONFERENCE POSTERACKNOWLEDGMENTFunding provided by the NSF through the KI-net Grant. |