Quantum Systems: A Mathematical Journey from Few to Many ParticlesMay 13 - 16, 2013Ctr for Scientific Computation & Math. Modeling, UMd |
In recent years, a considerable effort in mathematical sciences has been directed to understanding the behavior of complex quantum systems. Such systems may include a few particles, e.g., few electrons participating in small-scale chemical reactions; up to many particles, e.g., billions of atoms forming dilute gases, which may shape up interesting macroscopic phenomena. Challenging questions in this context touch upon issues of mathematical and numerical analysis as well as scientific computation. This workshop will focus on recent advances, and open challenges, in studies of both confined quantum systems with a few particles and models for many-particle systems. Some of these systems are described, for example, by the nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation in low or high dimensions. GOALS
The goal of the workshop is to bring together a group of experts in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics to discuss current developments on the analysis and numerical simulation of equations that govern the dynamics of such systems, and applications of quantum dynamics to chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on the highly oscillatory behavior of quantum systems as seen, for example, in the context of semiclassical limits; dispersion relations in periodic systems; and reduction of high-dimensional models to low-dimensional ones. REGISTRATION CLOSEDORGANIZERS |
CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTSFUNDINGA limited amount of travel and local lodging is available for researchers in the early stages of their career who want to attend the full program, especially for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTSCtr for Scientific Computation & Math. Modeling, UMd (CSCAMM,UMd) Email: qts13@cscamm.umd.edu CONFERENCE POSTERACKNOWLEDGMENTFunding provided by the NSF through the KI-net Grant. |