Ki-Net RIW: Kinetic dynamics, Transport, Networks and applicationsOct 11 - 14, 2018The Draftsman, Autograph CollectionCONFERENCE SCHEDULE |
ABSTRACTThis Ki-Net Research in Weekend wil bring together Ki-Net core researchers from CSCAMM hub at UMd, Duke, NCSU and CMU to share a host of ongoing projects on contemporary topics in kinetic theory and applications REGISTRATION CLOSEDORGANIZERS |
CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTSFUNDINGA limited amount of travel and local lodging is available for researchers in the early stages of their career who want to attend the full program, especially for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS () Email: CONFERENCE POSTERACKNOWLEDGMENTFunding provided by the NSF through the KI-net Grant. |