Recent progress in analytical aspects of kinetic equations and related fluid modelsSep 28 - 29, 2019University of Wisconsin-Madison |
ABSTRACTKinetic descriptions play a critical role in the physical, social, and biological sciences, and have expanded into diverse applications of cutting-edge technology ranging from gas, plasma, semiconductors to microfluidics and polymers. Extensive progress has been achieved during the past decade in many perspectives, and in this workshop, we bring together leading experts to review and summarize the progress made in understanding kinetic equations and related fluid models, with a focus on the analytical aspects, including the well-posedness, regularity, singularity formation, asymptotic behavior, in both forward and inverse setups. GOALSThe workshop aims at bringing leading experts to review recent progress on analytical aspects related to kinetic equations and related fluid models, and identifying promising new directions of research. REGISTRATION REQUESTEDInvited participants can RSVP and provide the additional requested information about their stay, including the title and abstract of proposed talks, here. Applications for participation can be made through the Online Application. Applicants who are also interested in making a poster presentation can specify their preference to do so in the “comments section” of their application. Due to space limitations, these requests are subject to approval by the organizers. |
CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTSFUNDINGA limited amount of travel and local lodging is available for researchers in the early stages of their career who want to attend the full program, especially for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTSmathematics480 Lincoln Dr. University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI Email: ACKNOWLEDGMENTFunding provided by the NSF through the KI-net Grant. |