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CSCAMM Welcomes Dr. Cai

CSCAMM welcomes Dr. Yongyong Cai from National University of Singapore, as a new KI-Net Post-Doctoral Research Associate with Prof. Tadmor. His post-doc is split between the Math department at UW Madison and CSCAMM at UMd.

AMS Fellows

Three KI-Net core participants were selected as new AMS fellows:Irene Gamba from UT-Austin, Shi Jin frlom UW-Madison, Eitan Tadmor from UMd, College Park.

KI-Net was awarded by NSF

The NSF awarded the Research Network in Mathematical Sciences (RNMS) proposal "Kinetic description of emerging challenges in multiscale problems of natural sciences," for the five-year period starting March 1, 2012.

This collaborative research network is covered by NSF grants # 1107444, #1107291, #1107465

UMD Announcement of KI-Net

A UMD announcement can be found here.

KI-Net Organizational Meeting

The first KI-Net Organizational Meeting will be held at CSCAMM on March 8-10, 2012.

KI-Net Recommended For Funding

On November 9, 2011, the new NSF research network in Mathematical Sciences, "KI-net: Kinetic description of emerging challenges in multiscale problems of natural sciences" was recommended for a 5-year award by the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the NSF.
