Homework will be due every week in this class on Thursdays (barring special circumstances). I encouraged you to talk about the homework problems with each other because I think that talking about mathematics is one of the best ways to learn mathematics. However, the written work that you submit must be written by you in your own words.
Late homework will not be accepted but the lowest grade will be dropped.
HW1 : due Thursday, September 12, 2013.
HW2 : due Tuesday, September 24, 2013.
HW3 : due Tuesday, October 8, 2013.
HW4 : due Thursday, October 17, 2013.
HW5 : due Tuesday, November 5, 2013.
HW6 : due Tuesday, November 19, 2013.
HW7 : due Tuesday, December 10, 2013.