Dori Bejleri

About me

I am a tenure-track assistant professor at University of Maryland, College Park.

From 2019 to 2023, I was a Benjamin Peirce and NSF postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. I spent the 2018-2019 academic year as an NSF postdoctoral fellow at MIT. I received my PhD in 2018 from Brown University under the supervision of Dan Abramovich.

My research is supported in part by NSF grant DMS-2401483.

Contact Info

Department of Mathematics
Kirwan 2111
University of Maryland, College Park
4176 Campus Drive
College Park MD 20742

dbejleri [at] umd [dot] edu

Curriculum Vitae


I'm mainly interested in algebraic geometry -- specifically moduli spaces and birational geometry with connections to number theory, enumerative geometry, combinatorics and geometric representation theory.

Papers and preprints

  1. Moduli of elliptic surfaces of Kodaira dimension one fibered over rational curves. (With Josiah Foster, Andres Fernandez Herrero, Giovanni Inchiostro, Svetlana Makarova, and Junyan Zhao).
  2. Symmetric powers of null motivic Euler characteristic. (With Stephen McKean).
  3. Moduli of boundary polarized Calabi-Yau pairs. (With Kenny Ascher, Harold Blum, Kristin DeVleming, Giovanni Inchiostro, Yuchen Liu and Xiaowei Wang). Submitted.
  4. Wall crossing for moduli of stable log pairs. (With Kenny Ascher, Giovanni Inchiostro, and Zsolt Patakfalvi). Ann. of Math. Volume 198 (2023), no. 2.
  5. Height moduli on cyclotomic stacks and counting elliptic curves over function fields. (With Jun-Yong Park and Matthew Satriano). Submitted.
  6. The motivic Hilbert zeta function of a planar n-fold thickening of a smooth curve. Draft.
  7. Smoothability of relative stable maps to stacky curves. (With Kenny Ascher). Épijournal Géom. Algébrique. Volume 7 (2023).
  8. Moduli of double covers and degree one del Pezzo surfaces. (With Kenny Ascher). Eur. J. Math. Volume 7 (2021), no. 2.
  9. Compact moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces. (With Kenny Ascher). Geom. Topol. Volume 27 (2023), no. 5.
  10. Stable pairs with a twist and gluing morphism for moduli of surfaces. (With Giovanni Inchiostro). Selecta Math (N.S.) Volume 27 (2021) no. 3.
  11. Compact moduli of degree one del Pezzo surfaces. (With Kenny Ascher). Math. Annalen. Volume 384 (2023), no 1-2.
  12. The Hilbert zeta function is constructible in families of curves. Draft.
  13. Motivic Hilbert zeta functions of curves are rational. (With Dhruv Ranganathan & Ravi Vakil). J. Inst. Math. Jussieu. Volume 19, Issue 3 (2020).
  14. The SYZ conjecture via homological mirror symmetry. Superschool on derived categories and D-branes. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics.
  15. Moduli of weighted stable elliptic surfaces and invariance of log plurigenera. (With Kenny Ascher). Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) Volume 122 (2021), no. 5.
  16. Moduli of fibered surface pairs from twisted stable maps. (With Kenny Ascher). Math. Annalen. Volume 374 (2019).
  17. Log canonical models of elliptic surfaces. (With Kenny Ascher). Advances in Mathematics. Volume 320 (2017), 210-243.
  18. The tangent space of the punctual Hilbert scheme. (With David Stapleton). Mich. Math. J. Volume 66 (2017), no. 3, 595 - 610.
  19. The topology of equivariant Hilbert schemes. (With Gjergji Zaimi). Res. Math. Sci. Volume 10 (2023), no.3.
  20. Quantum field theory over F1. (With Matilde Marcolli). Journal of Geometry and Physics. Volume 69 (2013), 40 – 59.

UMD Algebraic Geomery Seminar.

UMD Number Theory and Representation Theory Seminar.

Explicit Moduli Problems in Higher Dimensions. February 26 - March 3, 2023

Arithmetic, birational geometry, and moduli spaces. June 12 - 16, 2023

Harvard-MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar.

Open Neighborhood Seminar.

Albanian Journal of Mathematics.


Math 260X: Rationality questions in algebraic geometry. Spring 2022.

Math 136: Differential geometry. Fall 2021.

Math 290: Birational geometry of algebraic varieties. Fall 2020.

Math 259X: Moduli spaces in algebraic geometry. Fall 2019.


Rationality questions in algebraic geometry.

Moduli spaces in algebraic geometry.

Notes on $A_{\mathrm{inf}}$ and perfectoid rings from a learning workshop on integral p-adic hodge theory.

Notes from a talk given at Brown in February of 2016 on motivic Hilbert zeta functions.

These are notes on the geometry of the Hilbert scheme of points on $\mathbb{A}^2$ for the Brown Graduate Student Seminar. They are aimed at first year graduate students.

Some Math Links


A long time ago, I was studying math at Caltech and spending my time in Ricketts House.

This is a picture of me and my beautiful wife and our dog Grizzly.

I also like playing music. Here are some very rough performances.